View Full Version : New to detailing, First big purchase!

05-24-2011, 08:48 PM
Hello all, I`m a new member to autopia and have been doing a ton of reading and so far have found this site to be an extremely useful source of information.

I`m about to pull the trigger on my first large order of detailing goodies and would like to know what you all think and if there`s anything I am missing or you`d recommend

Car model is an Acura TSX, Premium White Pearl

PC7424XP with 5.5" backplate and orange, green, white, and black CCS pads (is this enough?)

DG#105 Total performance polish

DG#501 Marine RV polish

DG#601 Polish Bonding Agent

DG#951 AquaWax

Coolinite 845

CQuartz IronX


Lexol Cleaner & Conditioner for leather

Currently products I`m using are Meguiars gold class wash, UQD, and UQW, Stoner`s Invisible Glass

Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :grinno:

05-24-2011, 08:56 PM
Where is the polish? Also lots of overlap in the LSP dept.

05-25-2011, 11:58 AM
gcee- Welcome to Autopia!

I`d sure rather buy a Griot`s Garage 6" polisher, even if it does cost a little more.

And IMO you`ll need multiple correction (i.e., orange and white or green) pads.

Unless you have a strong personal preference for Lexol, I`d go with LeatherMasters instead; Lexol cleaner is OK but I really don`t like their conditioner, hate even using it up on dog leads.

I too would simplify the LSP approach.

05-25-2011, 12:12 PM
I agree with Accumulator, the Griots machine is a better value, its stronger and has a lifetime warranty. And yeah, go with Leather Masters.

05-26-2011, 09:49 PM
Thanks for the replies! :)

I have read very positive reviews regarding the GG machine. From what I gather, the included 6" backplate can be used with 6.5" LC CCS pads. Is the backplate interchangeable with a smaller, e.g, a 3.5" DA backplate?

I have read that because Acura paint is soft, would it be sufficient to use just the M205 as polish or is it recommended to do M105 and then M205? Any other recommended polishes?

In terms of leather care, I`ve read good reviews on the Lexol products and would like to try them as they are relatively cheaper than LM.

As for the LSPs, I was looking to use #845 in the winter. And for the time being DG501/601 followed by DG105/601.

Is this ok?

05-26-2011, 11:29 PM
You might be better off with the DG leather cleaner and conditioner then the lexol.

05-27-2011, 10:18 AM
Thanks for the replies! :)

I have read very positive reviews regarding the GG machine. From what I gather, the included 6" backplate can be used with 6.5" LC CCS pads. Is the backplate interchangeable with a smaller, e.g, a 3.5" DA backplate?

Yes. I takes the "regular, threaded male fitting" backing plates that other machines like the PC use. Lots of choices that`ll fit.

I have read that because Acura paint is soft, would it be sufficient to use just the M205 as polish or is it recommended to do M105 and then M205? Any other recommended polishes?

Depending on the severity of the marring, and how particular you are, the M205 may be sufficient.

Oh, BTW, on that paint I think you`d be happier with Optimum`s Hyper (spray) compound as compared to M105. That`s *IF* you decide to get aggressive, but the OCH is considerably milder IME than the M105 and might be a good choice for that reason alone. But mainly, the OHC is just *incredibly* user-friendly, which I can`t say about M105. If you want something aggressive, put OHC on your short-list.

Speaking of Optimum, and I was *NEVER* a big fan of their stuff, I was so blown away by the OHC that maybe, just maybe, their milder (new series) polishes would be better than M205. The oils that M205 leaves behind simply drive me nuts and even IPA is barely effective for removing them. Now I`m not one of those "always strip the oils before you wax!" guys, but M205`s oils can be so outrageous that they simply *MUST* be stripped sometimes lest they look like "pseudo-holograms".

While I do have/use/like M205, I often prefer 1Z High Gloss simply because of the oil issue.

In terms of leather care, I`ve read good reviews on the Lexol products and would like to try them as they are relatively cheaper than LM.

Not to beat it to death, but Lexol, which my family used for ages, is simply not a good approach for modern automotive leather, at least not the conditioner. I`m actually surprised that there are many good reviews of the stuff (makes me think cynical thoughts about the internet ;) ). But fortunately, most leather doesn`t *need* much conditioning/protecting, just keeping it clean goes a long way.

As for the LSPs, I was looking to use #845 in the winter. And for the time being DG501/601 followed by DG105/601.

While I`m not familiar with the DG stuff (just never tried it :nixweiss ), you might find that the 845 is good year-round.

05-30-2011, 12:22 AM
Accumulator, thanks again for the reply.

I am going to go with the GG DA polisher in favour of the PC. I`m also looking into the optimum OHC you have recommended as ease of use is ideal for me. Is it necessary to go with OHC and OHP as a 1-2 step process or would it be ok to go with either or? The current condition of my car`s paint is so swirl marks and a few scratches that I would like to remove or reduce the visibility of. Can you advise if going with OHP using an orange LC pad and skipping the compound would be ok. I`ve heard that this product is quite versatile, in that using a heavier cutting pad will work to more effectively reduce swirls and marring.

It seems that the general consensus here is that Lexol products are not as good as the reviews I`ve read online. Thank you gmblack3 for the DG leather care recommendation, I will definitely look at this. Is it ok to use cleaner/conditioner products from 2 different companies, e.g., Lexol cleaner followed by DG conditioner?


05-30-2011, 10:28 AM
Accumulator, thanks again for the reply.

I am going to go with the GG DA polisher in favour of the PC. I`m also looking into the optimum OHC you have recommended as ease of use is ideal for me. Is it necessary to go with OHC and OHP as a 1-2 step process or would it be ok to go with either or? The current condition of my car`s paint is so swirl marks and a few scratches that I would like to remove or reduce the visibility of. Can you advise if going with OHP using an orange LC pad and skipping the compound would be ok. I`ve heard that this product is quite versatile, in that using a heavier cutting pad will work to more effectively reduce swirls and marring...

I haven`t tried the OHP so I can`t really say. I did find the OHC awfully gentle for a "compound" so I *think* you oughta get them both.

One other alternative to consider- HD UNO. I haven`t tried that one either, and while I hesitate to recommend stuff I haven`t used I bet it`s a very good option (people I respect say so). It might provide a "one product, mutliple pads" solution that you`d like.

Oh, and good move on the GG, I`m confident it`s the right choice.

Is it ok to use cleaner/conditioner products from 2 different companies, e.g., Lexol cleaner followed by DG conditioner?

Yes, I do it all the time. IIRC you rinse the Lexol cleaner away anyhow, so no worries. Even with "no rinse" cleaners, I hardly ever have issues when using a different protectant/conditioner, and on the rare occasions that does happen I just stop and rinse/wipe things a little.

05-30-2011, 11:11 AM
You might want to add a Griot`s Garage 3" random orbit polisher. I bought one this year and love it! It`s great for tight spaces!

05-30-2011, 03:07 PM
I was in the some position as you just a couple months ago and bought the OHC and OHP using them with GG DA. The OHC and P sprays annoyed the crap out of me. After 2 stepping half my truck with OHC and P got meguiars Ultimate Compound and Polish from the local auto store. I much prefered the Meg`s 2 steps (and it is OTC) both in application and finish. I found also that the Ult Compound is a fine enough finish for me.

05-30-2011, 05:00 PM
Menzerna power finish with a green pad will correct very well using a d.a. Polisher then spend the extra money on a good wax or sealant and a clay bar. On a white car you CAN finish down with a white pad, but a single step polish will probably knock your socks off.

05-31-2011, 10:17 AM
I was in the some position as you just a couple months ago and bought the OHC and OHP using them with GG DA. The OHC and P sprays annoyed the crap out of me. After 2 stepping half my truck with OHC and P got meguiars Ultimate Compound and Polish from the local auto store. I much prefered the Meg`s 2 steps (and it is OTC) both in application and finish..

Hey, that`s interesting! And it makes me wonder if I was partly responsible for your trying the Optimum stuff :o If so, I`m sure sorry it didn`t work out for you.

What was it about the Optimum twins that you didn`t like? My OHC never sprays the way it`s supposed to, and it`s pretty mild, but otherwise I still like it and I`m really interested to hear why you didn`t.