View Full Version : Zaino shelf life???

04-30-2011, 07:34 PM
I love Zaino products and slacked with my last vehicle but now that I just bought a new toy, I want to treat her to some Zaino! I just got some new ZFX which I remember goes bad in 12 months but the Z-2 and Z-5 that I have is about 4 years old (maybe even 5!). Is this too old to use??? The website says 3 years...

I know that it would be better to buy new stuff and I will soon and redo a few applications but I am anxious to get a nice coat of protection on ASAP.

Also, the Z-2 has a very watery consitency... is this the it should be? I totally forget!

Thanks in advance!


David Fermani
05-02-2011, 09:38 PM
Z2 shouldn`t be that watery? Does either product look seperated before shaking it up? I`d call Sal and see what he recommends. Heck, he might even trade them in for some replacements if you ask.

05-03-2011, 10:17 PM
Most Zaino products have a shelf life of about 3-5 years. ZFX should be good for about 2 years maybe longer. I think I had a bottle that lasted over 3 years.

05-04-2011, 07:05 AM
I think I`ve gotten about 4 years out of a bottle before it started separating and turning a bit yellow. It did not get thin though, it got thicker if anything. I wouldn`t call it watery, its about the consistency of heavy cream.

05-04-2011, 07:06 PM
....from their website:

Q: What is the usable shelf life of Zaino products?

A: A 70° room temperature is best for the longevity of Zaino products. Due to the optical additives used, extreme heat or cold can result in a decrease in gloss-enhancing properties.

When stored at average room temperature between 65° and 75° degrees, shelf life is as follows:

Z-PC 3+ years

Z-AIO 3+ years

Z-CS 5+ years

Z-1 For optimum results, use before 3 years.

Z-2 For optimum results, use before 3 years.

Z-3 For optimum results, use before 3 years.

Z-5 For optimum results, use before 3 years.

Z-6 5+ years

Z-7 5+ years

Z-8 5+ years

Z-9 5+ years

Z-10 For optimum results, use before 2 years.

Z-12 For optimum results, use before 2 years.

Z-14 For optimum results, use before 2 years.

Z-16 3 to 5 years

Z-18 5 years +

ZFX For optimum results, keep tightly capped, avoiding moisture. Use before 24 months.