View Full Version : Taped front end for road trip... How to remove the residue?

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04-18-2011, 04:05 PM
Ok so I taped our Honda up for my trip back to school from home this weekend with the 3M blue tape, but this was some kind of advanced kind for delicate surfaces, although it still left residue, and didn`t stick completely the entire trip. I did it for what everyone else does it for, to protect from rock chips and bugs. Well that definitely worked, but now there`s residue over the entire hood, like faint lines of where the tape was, with a few exceptions of bigger residue in random areas. Does anyone have any advice to remove this? I`m at school now, and not at home, so I don`t have an enormous array of options as to what I really will be able to use, but what about that 3M tar, adhesive, and wax remover. I used it in the past during details to remove residue, but that was only for small areas. This I`d have to use on the entire hood and front bumper. In the past I know you had to buff it into the residue to remove, but IDK if I feel real good about doing this to Honda soft paint? Should I wash the car at the coin op, then when it`s clean, spray this on remove the adhesive, then QD it so I can reapply my sealant? I don`t wanna induce swirls by rubbing hard, making the tape idea completely a waste. At least I`ve learned that tape is not the way to go if you want no cleanup and to not have to remove the wax and sealant coats, so next time I`m resorting to Griots` temporary clear films.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

C. Charles Hahn
04-18-2011, 06:10 PM
If what you`re referring to is 3M General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner, that would definitely work. Just be careful with it and you`ll be fine.

04-18-2011, 06:46 PM


And I`m not sure what the chrome Honda grille is made out of, if it is actually chrome or not? Can anyone verify this and if the above is ok to use on it? I believe on a small section has residue remaining on it.

Oh and I just read the bottle in that pic, and it says "Will not harm `most` cured automotive paints." Well we just had drivers side repainted, not sure how far they went, but anyways, there was a small bit I believe on a freshly painted door, since I tried to cover the mirror, which is not fresh paint. Should I leave this alone till the paint is cured, then remove it in a month?

David Fermani
04-18-2011, 08:58 PM
Depending on how soiled this residue is, chances are you`ll end up marring the finish so try to be as gentle as possible. Use a good quality microfiber and try to clean it really well before touching it. The Coin-Op car wash might have heated water, so it fo try carelfully melting the residue off that way.

04-18-2011, 09:45 PM
I plan to do a 2 bucket wash that I usually do there weekly where I bring my own water. I`ll completely clean the car before I try this. Try removing the tape, then rewash the front. Will that still cause as much marring as you thought? Should I wait about a month till I go home then try to remove it with the buffer, or remove it then repolish? I just don`t want to go a month with swirls or marring, nor the tape, but the tape is better than paint damage.

David Fermani
04-18-2011, 09:49 PM
Don`t wait! The washing step isn`t what could marr the surface, it`s the scrubbing(light) of the paint with a solvent. If there is any fine dirt particles trapped in the adhesive residue you end up rubbing them into the surface.

04-18-2011, 10:14 PM
Don`t wait! The washing step isn`t what could marr the surface, it`s the scrubbing(light) of the paint with a solvent. If there is any fine dirt particles trapped in the adhesive residue you end up rubbing them into the surface.

Oh I don`t plan on waiting to wash it, I meant waiting to remove the adhesive because we all know scrubbing anything usually causes marring. I figured if it can`t come off, wait a month or so, when I go home next, to remove it with the buffer on a slow speed, and possibly repolish the surface. I`m hoping it can just come off though without anything more than me having to reseal and wax the surface after it`s gone. Swirls are my biggest concern. The residue in most areas though is VERY light, like faint lines if you see it at the correct angle, then there are areas that have a slight build up.

What about the repainted section of the car? I think there was only one piece there, can`t remember if there was residue or not, but that paint isn`t cured yet. What should I do about that?

David Fermani
04-18-2011, 10:29 PM
Don`t wait for to remove the adhesive. It will attract dirt (abrasive) particles and cause problems when your remove it. I wouldn`t use a buffer to remove the glue either. It could goo up your pad. Solvent with a MF should be all you need.

I seriously doubt a mild solvent like this could damage your new finish. It`s probably good to go as it is.

04-18-2011, 10:52 PM
I mean it literally got painted less than a week ago, so that`s why I`m skeptical. What about using fresh tape over the old tape to try and peel it up? I noticed this was actually removing some of it while I was peeling up other sections last night.

04-19-2011, 03:55 PM
I haven`t seen it mentioned but I have used a quality thick microfiber and WD40 before and gotten rid of residues such as yours. I have found that it almost lubricates the towel and I haven`t had any ill effects from using it. You will just have to give the car a good washing afterwards. Hope this helps.

04-21-2011, 02:33 AM
Ok I`ve gone to a few stores around downtown near school, and none of them carry 3M Adhesive Remover. I have some at home, and am going home for the weekend, without the car, but I plan to clean it tomorrow, so would Stoner Tarminator work well? I have that with me.

David Fermani
04-26-2011, 08:06 PM
I mean it literally got painted less than a week ago, so that`s why I`m skeptical. What about using fresh tape over the old tape to try and peel it up? I noticed this was actually removing some of it while I was peeling up other sections last night.

Not sure if you did this yet, but I`d avoid more tape and just use a light solvent(like Tarminator) to remove the residue. Rub lightly and avoid the sun.

04-27-2011, 03:40 AM
Not sure if you did this yet, but I`d avoid more tape and just use a light solvent(like Tarminator) to remove the residue. Rub lightly and avoid the sun.

Thanks. I ended up trying that, but it would have taken way too long, so I decided to just wip out my G110 on a black LC 4" pad an just polished everything. All is well now, plus the polishing was slightly needed.

I do have one concern though... With all that gone, there is a tiny piece of adhesive on the repainted part of the door. it`s like the size of a quarter, but IDK how I should remove it since the paint is ULTRA soft being uncured, so I`d risk major marring. I know I can just buff that out later, but is it possible I could mar it bad enough that it won`t be really fixable? I`ll try when I wash the car this weekend, using tarminator on a MF with it really slick so I don`t have to really rub it much into the paint. I removed a piece on cured paint just fine over the weekend this way, it`s just the new paint I`m worried about.

David Fermani
04-27-2011, 07:56 PM
I have a hard time believing that your paint is going to get any harder after the 24-48hr mark. Especially if it`s been baked. Use a paint safe solvent and you`ll be fine. Get the glue off asap and worry about the marring (if that happens) later. I`ve removed tape residue off fresh paint a bunch of times with solvent without any adverse effects. Just be gentle and use a MF towel.

04-29-2011, 03:37 AM
I have a hard time believing that your paint is going to get any harder after the 24-48hr mark. Especially if it`s been baked. Use a paint safe solvent and you`ll be fine. Get the glue off asap and worry about the marring (if that happens) later. I`ve removed tape residue off fresh paint a bunch of times with solvent without any adverse effects. Just be gentle and use a MF towel.

I`m pretty sure it wasn`t baked because I`ve never seen anything swirl that easy. I scratched the door sill with QD. Anyways, I plan to wash it tomorrow and use tarminator with a MF to remove the adhesive remaining. For washing the repainted section, as well as the rest of the car, would a Lowes grout sponge, which I`m been using be safer, or should I use my Chemical Guys Sheepskin to prevent marring? I plan to use the grout sponge for the front though because it has bugs on it from my drive back to school.