View Full Version : ts|s Detailing: 1964 Lincoln Continental

04-15-2011, 09:08 PM

1964 Lincoln Continental with original paint. It was very thin in many areas, so thin I could see primer showing through. I put about 9 hours into this job and honestly it could probably go another 19. I just felt that it could use a lot more work to put it up to show status. However, the owner simply wanted her cleaned up and looking glossy again.

The interior was in decent shape-it required a lot of vaccuuming, and all of the metal was hand polished with a MF sponge and Optimum metal polish (once again, just to gloss it up). The leather was all wiped down with Adams cleaner and topped off with Adam`s conditioner. All the painted pieces were wiped down with Adams QD. The little white trim around each floor mat needed some attention to brighten it up.





The exterior was also in fair condition, besides heavy swirling. While claybarring, there was little contamination I could feel in the paint (started with a medium bar, but it kept turning black, thought it was too agressive so I used a fine bar instead-this pulled up much less color). All of the trim was hand polished with S100 Polishing soap (great stuff!!!). For correction, I went through scads of combos, before settling with a Hydrotech Tangerine pad and 105. I just didn`t want to be THAT aggressive on such old paint, and this combo removed about 75% of defects. On the big hood and trunk, I two-stepped that area using the Tangerine and M105 topped with a white pad and D301 (Finishing wax). All of the paint was sealed with Blackfire Wetdiamond.




Rain clouds ruined my after shots :hairpull

David Fermani
04-15-2011, 10:46 PM
Wow - that interior looks awsome. I love those suicide door Lincolns! Beautiful.