View Full Version : Am I doing this right?

04-10-2011, 01:56 PM
This is my first time detailing a car and would like some feedback as to whether or not I am doing this right. As you can see from my photos, while I did get a significant amount of scratches out of the paint, there are still several that are bothersome. I`m not sure if they`re still there because I did something wrong or if I`m not using the proper products.

I`m using a Porter Cable with a Lake County orange pad and Poorboy`s SSR 2.5 followed up by a Lake County white bad and Poorboy`s SSR 1.

Any feedback is appreciated.







04-11-2011, 11:22 AM
cheetown- Welcome to Autopia!

That`s a pretty severe job to be starting out on, you`re making great progress even if you don`t think so.

IMO the SSR2.5 is probably not quite aggressive enough for time/effort-efficient correction of that magnitude. And you don`t want to switch to the milder stuff until things are basically OK.

Also, IME the PC just doesn`t have the power to do significant correction with large pads (again, I mean in an *efficient* manner, it can be *effective* but it takes forever). IF you work with a 4" pad it`ll go a lot better, even though you`re working a smaller area. The smaller pad creates less friction, so you can apply some added pressure to make your given combo cut better. While people say "let the machine/products do the work, don`t apply pressure" that usually doesn`t work too well when you`re using a PC.