View Full Version : wheel wax

04-03-2011, 07:28 PM
is there a big different in wax for car paint and wheel. i have tons of car waxes and sealents like i would like to use on my wheels but if wheel wax is that much better that i would rather just buy that.

04-04-2011, 11:11 AM
Just use whatever you like, it`ll probably work fine. I would go with your most durable sealant though.

The big thing with wheels is *how* they get "dirty"...the brake dust and bits of metal are kinda nasty, so a "soft and grabby" wax isn`t the best thing to use. But hey, I`ve used Souveran on the Jag`s wheels and other than needing redone quite often it worked out fine.

No, wheels don`t get as hot as one might expect, at least not on street-driven vehicles (and I never had any issues on cars I tracked either).

In the recent past, I`ve used KSG and FK1000P and the various Collinites. Of those, I kinda like the FK1000P the best, but many layers of KSG is a great way to go too.

IMO one can make a good argument against LSPing wheels too...you gotta clean LSPed wheels with shampoo (wheel cleaners will clean off the LSP pretty fast), and that doesn`t always get `em clean, especially if they get really nasty between washes. Wheel cleaners are generally a lot more effective. No, a "clean, but not LSPed" wheel doesn`t look quite as swell as a waxed/sealed one, but after a few miles of driving/braking the diffs are pretty minimal IMO. I go both ways, LSPing the ones on some vehicles, but not doing it on others, and it`s not like one looks incredibly better than the other (no other differences either...the finish on the unLSPed one doesn`t degrade or anything like that).

04-04-2011, 11:33 AM
I use Eagle one wax as you dry. I have tried the Wheel sprays that are supposed to keep the wheel clean. I use the WAYD to do a final wipe after cleaning. It keeps a good shine and makes cleaning easier and may? help keep them clean. I am still in the testing process. I have a BMW 328I that dirtys the wheels in a couple of days so the testing is easy and fast. Here is the line up that I used.

1. Eagle one Keep clean - works ok if the wheel is very clean and you don`t get any tire gel on it. It oftens leaves a white mily substance on the wheels that is visible

2. Armour all Wheel protectant - The best on the market if you can afford it. One can will last two applications. That is $8 a month. At $100 a year it is to steep for me

3. Green technologies Brake dust shield - doesn`t work