View Full Version : Difference between 3D Waterless Car Wash and HD Free Waterless?

Marc Hufnagel
03-29-2011, 03:59 PM
I have done some searching but they both seem to be billed as a waterless car wash.

Thanks for helping me out.

Marc Hufnagel
03-29-2011, 06:11 PM
19 views and no one knows?

Marc Hufnagel
03-30-2011, 07:58 AM
47 views and no one knows? Unreal.

03-31-2011, 11:32 AM
Maybe most people use ONR instead? Not sure myself as I use ONR and used DP rinseless wash but switched back to ONR since it felt slicker.

03-31-2011, 09:43 PM
Well, someone had to answer :P

I have both. Being cousins, they are very vey close, but still they are not the same:

- COLOR: 3D waterless is light green, HD free is fully white

- SMELL: Hard to qualify... Both of them have very pleasant smells. 3D waterless smells like breezy, foresty, fresh. HD free smell like clean linen, almost like cologne. Smell is a toss up. I personally prefer 3D waterless smell, but I love them both.

- CLEANING: Here is where the shared DNA can be seen. Both of them are virtually identical as far as cleaning. They have a ton of lubricity and a lot of cleaning power. The won`t hide or conceal the dirt, they will simply take it out effectively.

- LOOK: Both of them leave a much nicer look than a regular wash, better than rinseless washes and almost as good as a quick detailer. HD Free a little bit shinier.

- SLICKNESS: Also almost like just quick detailed. These are true products that almost look and feel like just waxed with just a wash. HD Free a little bit slicker.

- PRICE: Here is the big difference. 3D waterless is almost 50% more expensive than HD free (or if you want tan alternative thought, HD free is 33% cheaper than 3D waterless.)

- OVERALL: If price was equal, they would be virtually tied, probably HD free on top because of the shinier look. However, with the price disparity, it is an easy choice: HD Free. I think 3D has to adjust the price of 3D waterless accordingly. In fact, I am just waiting for concentrates / hyper concentrates at even better prices.

Enjoy your HD free.


David Fermani
04-07-2011, 07:54 PM
Both work great. I really can`t tell the difference other thatn one is concentrated and one is RTU. Leaves the surface super slick. Great clay lube too.

Daniel Ellow
04-08-2011, 01:20 AM
Both are almost same. Both work fine and Both of them give a much better look compare to genral wash and as far as price is concern, price of 24Oz in both category is same.

Marc Hufnagel
04-10-2011, 08:24 PM
okay, thanks for the words of clarification.

Fresh Look
04-10-2011, 10:16 PM
okay, thanks for the words of clarification.

I believe 3D owns HDCarcare.