View Full Version : Cleaning and Protecting Brightwork (Porsche)

03-29-2011, 03:51 PM

I have recently embarked on an overly zealous detailing or my Porsche 964 RS America. The car has a lot of gold plated (don`t know if it is cad or anodized - actually I don`t even know the difference) "Brightwork".

The Brightwork under the car is extremly pitted and I have found it difficult to clean with out removing the gold finish. Any suggestions with this is greatly appreciated. I have gone ahead and ordered some new hardware to replace some of the worst pieces. I am finding that the gold coating is coming off oven with a nylon brush.

In the engine compartment, the brightwork is in VERY GOOD condition, and I would like to keep it that way. What is the best way to protect it. There are a lot of small nuts and bolts, all gold, throughout the engine. I`ll try to post pics.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



03-29-2011, 08:58 PM
Zero, I am sure you realize the rarity and value of that car, only 701 were produced and probably half of them are gone. You should make every effort to duplicate the original finish on all your hardware. That said the "gold" is gold iridite, a chemical conversion coating designed to protect from the elements, unfortunately it is not a very effect protection. I think you need to have all this hardware cleaned and refinished. Find a good plater and/or join your local region of the Porsche club to get some good information from guys who have gone thru this before.

03-30-2011, 08:05 PM
I agree with all of this.

04-01-2011, 09:06 AM
What Peter said...Once that plating goes... it`s gone and it is not very easy to clean.Best bet is to get new or better looking used parts to replace the questionable ones.

Pelican Parts - Porsche Parts & BMW Parts - Automotive Parts and Accessories - Porsche & BMW (http://www.pelicanparts.com) this is where I get my parts from, great site and a very good bbs.

Good Luck

Alan W
04-01-2011, 02:43 PM
For a high quality and long lasting metal sealant I would recommend Blackfire`s `All Metal Sealant`.

04-02-2011, 12:21 PM
..the "gold" is gold iridite, a chemical conversion coating ..

I woulda guessed cad plating, but then I don`t know from this stuff.

I gather it can be redone by the right shop, huh?

I have all kinds of respect for PCA concours people and I`d be interested in how such stuff gets redone to competitive standards.