View Full Version : First new car! Wash and wax.

03-17-2011, 10:30 AM
Hello all I just took delivery of a 2011 Volkswagen Jetta SE. It has Candy White paint.

I have all ways used Meguiar`s products on all my other cars. But as this is my first new car, I figured I would splurge a bit.

I picked up P21s Bodywork shampoo and a tub of AutoGlym HD wax.

I do know about clay, cleaning, and polishing. However, since I assisted my sales guy take the wrapping off the car, there really is no contamination nor an hint of swirl marks.

I washed it twice so far with meguiar`s ultimate wash and wax. I have since picked up the imported stuff.

So, today I plan on washing the car with dawn dish soap to strip the paint of all oils, waxes, sealants, ect. . . (not there should much, if at all)

Then I am going to apply the AutoGlym. I plan of using the P21s shampoo from there on out.

Sound good?

Any tips, tricks, comments, or opinions are much appreciated!

Marc Hufnagel
03-17-2011, 10:52 AM
Please post pics :)

03-17-2011, 01:10 PM
Yes, clay before waxing.
Hello all I just took delivery of a 2011 Volkswagen Jetta SE. It has Candy White paint.

I have all ways used Meguiar`s products on all my other cars. But as this is my first new car, I figured I would splurge a bit.

I picked up P21s Bodywork shampoo and a tub of AutoGlym HD wax.

I do know about clay, cleaning, and polishing. However, since I assisted my sales guy take the wrapping off the car, there really is no contamination nor an hint of swirl marks.

I washed it twice so far with meguiar`s ultimate wash and wax. I have since picked up the imported stuff.

So, today I plan on washing the car with dawn dish soap to strip the paint of all oils, waxes, sealants, ect. . . (not there should much, if at all)

Then I am going to apply the AutoGlym. I plan of using the P21s shampoo from there on out.

Sound good?

Any tips, tricks, comments, or opinions are much appreciated!

03-18-2011, 09:41 AM
Hello all I just took delivery of a 2011 Volkswagen Jetta SE. It has Candy White paint.

I have all ways used Meguiar`s products on all my other cars. But as this is my first new car, I figured I would splurge a bit.

I picked up P21s Bodywork shampoo and a tub of AutoGlym HD wax.

I do know about clay, cleaning, and polishing. However, since I assisted my sales guy take the wrapping off the car, there really is no contamination nor an hint of swirl marks.

I washed it twice so far with meguiar`s ultimate wash and wax. I have since picked up the imported stuff.

So, today I plan on washing the car with dawn dish soap to strip the paint of all oils, waxes, sealants, ect. . . (not there should much, if at all)

Then I am going to apply the AutoGlym. I plan of using the P21s shampoo from there on out.

Sound good?

Any tips, tricks, comments, or opinions are much appreciated!

If you havent used hd, I would warn you that the included apps are crap, and the Wax looks great but is a pain to apply and remove(atleast for me).

Thats what i did for my car. I wasn`t lucky enough to remove the plastic, so I got very minor swirling.

Wouldn`t he have to polish if he clays?

03-18-2011, 12:31 PM
Clean- Welcome to Autopia! By now I suspect you`re already working on the car (nice choice of car BTW, bet you`ll really like it). Still, you might want to peruse the following.

..Wouldn`t he have to polish if he clays?

Depends on how the claying goes. I seldom instill marring when I clay as long as I`m *VERY* gentle about it. But this is one of those things where "YMMV" always applies and you just don`t know how it`ll turn out until you`ve done it.
Yes, clay before waxing.

I think you know what a big proponent of claying I usually am, but in this case I`m not 100% certain that it`d be necessary.

But OTOH, I *ALWAYS* do a full decontamination on new vehicle purchases, even if I take them in the wrapper. Especially on white/silver as any serious ferrous contamination (and it might not be apparent until later, when it`s firmly established) can be a serious issue on light colors.

03-18-2011, 02:38 PM
Have you done the bag test to determine if you need claying or not?

I would also propose to clay/seal the wheels. It will save a lot of time and effort later. I don`t think that HD would be the best choice for that, so you could consider one of the many waxes proposed on this site for this purpose.

I own a vw too. The EOS. Have you got the new auto gear box? In any case have many safe miles.

Αχ αυτό το κλικ!!!

03-18-2011, 09:20 PM
Hello all.

Just an update:

I completed the wash and wax.

The car looks GREAT. I will get some photos tomorrow.

As for the questions:

The car is a 5 speed stick. And I did not clay. I will save that till the winter prep.

03-19-2011, 05:14 AM
We both know that there is contamination on or in the paint. I agree that doing a decontamination is the best way to clean the paint, but wouldn`t it be better to at least clay if the op doesn`t have a decontamination kit rather then waxing over the contamination?
Clean- Welcome to Autopia! By now I suspect you`re already working on the car (nice choice of car BTW, bet you`ll really like it). Still, you might want to peruse the following.

Depends on how the claying goes. I seldom instill marring when I clay as long as I`m *VERY* gentle about it. But this is one of those things where "YMMV" always applies and you just don`t know how it`ll turn out until you`ve done it.

I think you know what a big proponent of claying I usually am, but in this case I`m not 100% certain that it`d be necessary.

But OTOH, I *ALWAYS* do a full decontamination on new vehicle purchases, even if I take them in the wrapper. Especially on white/silver as any serious ferrous contamination (and it might not be apparent until later, when it`s firmly established) can be a serious issue on light colors.

03-19-2011, 01:03 PM
We both know that there is contamination on or in the paint. I agree that doing a decontamination is the best way to clean the paint, but wouldn`t it be better to at least clay if the op doesn`t have a decontamination kit rather then waxing over the contamination?

Well....yeah. I just can`t help but think of the whole "chance of marring from the clay" thing :think: [Sigh] I suspect that normal people never really want to consider the decon systems, even though they really are a piece of cake, and yeah the clay is the next best thing.

If the vehicle weren`t such a light color I could argue that maybe it doesn`t really need any such Autopian stuff. I know..more of my Autopian Heresy huh? :o

.. I did not clay. I will save that till the winter prep.

I`m gonna be optimistic (for once :chuckle: ) and hope that there`s no problem with your having skipped the decon/clay. BUT...keep an eye on things. IF you see tiny (I sure hope they`re tiny!) little orange or brown spots, then you`ll need to do something. Those would be "rust-blooms" from imbedded ferrous contamination (such as "rail dust") and if you have that you *REALLY DO* need to take care of it right away; if it lingers long enough it`ll become a serious problem. Catch it soon though, and it`s not at all hard to remedy. So don`t worry about it, but do keep an eye out.

03-19-2011, 03:14 PM
[Sigh] I suspect that normal people never really want to consider the decon systems, even though they really are a piece of cake, and yeah the clay is the next best thing.

For ages I try to get the fk decontamination kit and noone can ship to Greece either from the US or from Europe. Shame really as it will make a dif I believe. Sry for the off topic.

@ Clean. I hope you get no issues whatsoever until your next prep.

Αχ αυτό το κλικ!!!

03-20-2011, 11:44 AM
[quote name=`Ch96067`]For ages I try to get the fk decontamination kit and noone can ship to Greece either from the US or from Europe. Shame really...[quOTE]

Maybe you could get the "ABC" system from Automotive International/ValuGard: http://www.autoint.com