View Full Version : Can I get away with a "Cleaner Wax" in this situation?

03-05-2011, 12:32 PM
FYI... I`m not a true autopian, but try. :thumb:

I sold a car on Ebay and it`s being picked up tomorrow. It`s black paint was really bad with heavy swirls. I wanted to do the new owner right and at least attempt to correct some of it. So, I ran to Harbor Freight and picked up the cheap orbital buffer, and got a blue S.M. Arnold pad. I had some Meguiars 80 and hoped with the buffer it would correct some/most of it. Well, I`m pleasantly surprised at how much correction I achieved and at the same time didn`t do any damage (1st time using high speed buffer!). Only thing is it didn`t quite finish off enough to just apply a wax. There is an ever so slight haze or cloudiness if you look at just the right angle under the lights. I do have a PC, but don`t have enough time to do both a polish and wax step. Would any of the OTC cleaner waxes be able to take care of the slight haze using the PC? Something like Meg or Mothers cleaner wax, or ColorX, or ??? Not concerned about durability at all, just want it to finish nicely and offer enough protection for his journey home.

03-05-2011, 02:16 PM
Slick71ss- In this case I wouldn`t use a cleaner wax because it`d take off what the #80 left behind and quite possibly make things look worse instead of better. I`d maybe rehit the bad areas with the #80 and then just use a straight wax over top of everything and say "good enough". That straight wax could be most anything that doesn`t contain cleaners, and yeah that *does* include NXT.

03-05-2011, 03:15 PM
From your response I take it #80 has lots of fillers in it?

I do have NXT and #26 at home.

03-05-2011, 04:01 PM
From your response I take it #80 has lots of fillers in it?

I do have NXT and #26 at home.

Well, I dunno if I`d say "lots of fillers" but it does do some concealing. I`d hate to think of you starting a big redo, so if you have those waxes I`d just put in some reasonable effort and let the new owner do any further heavy lifting. Note that most normal people don`t see stuff that Autopians fuss over anyhow ;)

imported_Larry A
03-05-2011, 04:38 PM
You said that you have #26. Just put on a coat of it and your good to go .