View Full Version : HELP! Ghost spots!

03-01-2011, 09:08 PM
Firstly, I apologize I do not have photos uploaded for this issue yet as they are important.

I just purchased a brand new black 2011 Honda accord from a dealer a few days ago. The night I bought the car weather conditions were foggy and misty. Before leaving, I noticed some ghost like spots on one side of the car. They almost looked like moisture that could be wiped off. There are 4 spots, each about 4 inches by 6 inches and are almost invisible. The condensation collected on the spots and allowed light to reflect off of the paint and reveal the spots. After pulling the car back into the shop area, the spots seemed to be gone again. When the light hits the paint just right, you can barely see them. They appear transparent and ghostly. At first glance they appeared to be the result of old wax left on the car. The guys who clean the cars tried to use some basic cleaner and a more heavy duty glue removing chemical with no success. The spots almost appear to be under the clear coat. I was told to take it home, wax and rebuff it and if they don’t go away to bring the car back to be fixed. Obviously this is frustrating as I didn’t see it when I purchased it. Like I said before, during day light they are practically nonexistent unless you are very close, focusing on the area, and the light is reflecting off of the paint just right.

Any ideas what these could be on a brand new car??


03-01-2011, 09:53 PM
I`m not expert on new car paint by any means, and I`m sure others will chime in, but I`ve seen what you`re describing (condensation collecting on those spots and reflecting light) on brand new cars that come off the freight trucks. In my experience, it happens wherever there was an air / water bubble in the white protective film that`s put on new cars for protection during transport (usually partially up the hood, front bumper and front fenders). Light claying and polishing has always solved the issue whenever I`ve seen it.

Thomas Dekany
03-01-2011, 10:11 PM
No Clue, but it could be buffer marks? Please take some pictures and post them?

Quick question? Why are people still buying cars at night?????????

03-01-2011, 10:12 PM
We will need to see some pics.

03-01-2011, 10:23 PM
I was thinking holograms myself.

03-02-2011, 01:52 PM
Toby010- Welcome to Autopia!

[Insert lecture about inspecting new cars here ;) ] Gee, that`s a big help after the fact, huh?!?

The spots could be anything from transit wrap adhesive residue, to fallout/contamination, to residual wax, to a bad paintjob. Maybe somebody here will have an idea if you can post some good pix.

I`d be leery of the dealership "fixing" it, and those scare-quotes are intentional. I myself would simply demand a new/different/OK car, but I bet that`s not what you want to hear by a long shot!

03-03-2011, 02:18 AM
my guess is that`s a spot buff with a rotary, somebody scratched it or something similar and "detailer" with his best friend named rotary removed them without finishing. But that`s my guess thought it might be something different. post pics then we can tell you.

03-03-2011, 02:27 AM
Lol by the way we autopians have to start calling swirl marks ghost spots. or something like that.... cause swirls are scary, like ghosts...


03-03-2011, 12:12 PM
Thanks for all the info guys, so far Im guessing the first post about the plastic wrap with air bubbles in it seems closest. Appreciate the feedback and will try to get some pics up here asap.

Also seems like these holograms? could be a possibility. Can someone please elaborate on these holograms and how they are caused and if they are fixable?


03-03-2011, 07:17 PM
Got some pics finally, any ideas on what this is from?

They are the only 2 in my image gallery, cant seem to get them in here. Any ideas on what this is?

Thomas Dekany
03-03-2011, 08:45 PM
I can only see the small pictures. Can`t tell unless I see it larger. Can you take it outside in the sun? Or email the pictures to me and I`ll post them


Thomas Dekany
03-04-2011, 02:48 AM
I can`t see anything - you have to take pictures outside with some sun around.

