View Full Version : Engine Compartment Plastic

02-09-2006, 07:53 PM
How do you bring the plastic in the engine compartment back to life. I have cleaned it and dressed it before but it seems to become dull and ashey lookin pretty quickly. Does anyone know of a product that will put the shine back into old plastic, or is there a process I should be doing to achieve that new plastic look. I look at some car shows and the plastic throughout the vehicules is always imaculate as if brand new. Any tipps greatly appreciated!

02-09-2006, 08:04 PM
In and Out Spray. You can get it here.



02-09-2006, 08:19 PM
Just for information sake, one of the reasons engine plastics can get like that is by using strong degreasers like straight Simple Green or some types of engine degreasers even. It stains the plastic and you need to use something to bring the back. I`ve never had a problem with simple rubber and trim renewer products, but I guess it would depend on how old the stains are. Meguiar`s #39 would probably be the first product I tried on areas like that if simply putting a dressing on it didn`t do the trick.

02-09-2006, 08:29 PM
Just for information sake, one of the reasons engine plastics can get like that is by using strong degreasers like straight Simple Green or some types of engine degreasers even. It stains the plastic and you need to use something to bring the back. I`ve never had a problem with simple rubber and trim renewer products, but I guess it would depend on how old the stains are. Meguiar`s #39 would probably be the first product I tried on areas like that if simply putting a dressing on it didn`t do the trick.

Yep Yep What he said.
