View Full Version : A3 dash

02-07-2006, 12:07 PM
Hi all:
With winter here in Nova Scotia, keeping the outside clean is a full time chore, so I took a look at the dash. While it is still clean, only 2 months old, the texture is different than anything I`ve detailed in the past, it has a rough almost pebbley texture. A cloth will not wipe smoothly across it as it catches. Anyone come across another dash like this and how would you suggest I keep it clean and treated?

02-07-2006, 12:48 PM
Not being at all familiar with the A3 interior, I can only guess as to what would work.
Terry cloth will surprise you at how well it will get down into the grain of the vinyl.
If you clean it regularly, the dirt/dust will be picked up pretty well.
Same thing with applying and buffing dressings. A terry applicator and a terry towel to buff off the excess.


02-07-2006, 01:26 PM
The only reason I go against the terry towel idea is that it might release too much lint and therefor get caught in the grain textured vinyl.

02-07-2006, 01:29 PM
The only reason I go against the terry towel idea is that it might release too much lint and therefor get caught in the grain textured vinyl.Shouldn`t be a problem unless you are using cheap terry cloth towels.


02-07-2006, 01:33 PM
Shouldn`t be a problem unless you are using cheap terry cloth towels.


I agree I have some real good terry towels that for some things work better than MF....Also for cleaning and protecting of this type of surface I would spray on the towel then wipe the dash, getting liquid into the cracks is the key...then buffing real good to pickup excess would be my guess

02-07-2006, 01:40 PM
Also for cleaning and protecting of this type of surface I would spray on the towel then wipe the dashGood point.
Since I always spray the protectant on whatever I use to apply it, I just figured everyone did it that way.
Cleaner or protectant, vinyl or leather, I spray the product on the applictor or towel, then wipe the surface being cleaned/protected. Much less chance for overspray where you don`t want it.


02-07-2006, 01:44 PM
Good point.
Since I always spray the protectant on whatever I use to apply it, I just figured everyone did it that way.
Claener or protectant, vinyl or leather, I spray the product on the applictor or towel, then wipe the surface being cleaned/protected. Much less chance for overspray where you don`t want it.


Especially with APC I`ve learned the hard way, stained a guys leather seats one time....I got it to match again but that was one scary time for me