View Full Version : Buffing off Klasse SG?

01-29-2011, 06:13 AM
I think I will be using this later on today on a client`s Infiniti after claying and was wondering if it would be ok to spritz OCW or Sonus detailing spray to help buff off the SG? IME with SG, it can be hard to remove fully when dry buffing even when applied thin and streaks will show up under the right lighting conditions.

Also, best wax or sealant for wheels from the following...

Klasse SG, Klass AIO, NXT 2.0, Collinite 845, Poorbooys PWC, OCW

01-29-2011, 10:52 AM
If it streaks, especially on darker colors, I just spritz with very cold water. I always keep an old milk jug filled with chilled water in the fridge for pouring into a spray bottle and spritzing for streak removal. In my experience, COLD water is excellent for removing any type of streaking.

01-29-2011, 01:06 PM
I find that streaks seem more related to the application (not being uniform) than the buffing off :think:

When buffing off LSPs (and especially too-thin-to-see sealants), I fog the surface with my breath. The tiny bit of moisture in the condensation makes for easier buffing with no discernable downside.

01-29-2011, 08:19 PM
I find that streaks seem more related to the application (not being uniform) than the buffing off :think:

When buffing off LSPs (and especially too-thin-to-see sealants), I fog the surface with my breath. The tiny bit of moisture in the condensation makes for easier buffing with no discernable downside.

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