View Full Version : cloudy streaks inside new car rear window!

02-06-2006, 06:40 PM
Dear All,

I just purchased a 2006 black mustang gt. Today i noticed some (many) cloudy/foggy streaks in the rear window glass in the late afternoon sun. I bought the car last Thursday and had not noticed it until today.

I tried to clean the glass inside and outside with windex but the cloudy/foggy streaks seem to be IN the glass!

Has anyone ever heard of this can be or what causes it? I am taking it to the dealer tomorrow but it is 50+ miles and was just wondering if anyone had any explanation or a way to try and fix it- please let me know if you need a better description.

Any help or feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance!


02-06-2006, 06:51 PM
Make sure the dealer knows, but it might be nothing. They might have some cleaning solutions for you.
Did an 04 Black 325 the other day, and when it was parked outside for the setting sun, the windows fogged up. The result was that I could see the window watermarks, price lists, the kind of printer that was used, advertised mileage, serial numbers, stock numbers--all perfectly visable in the window. Weird.

02-06-2006, 07:21 PM

Thanks for the feedback - that is weird! -

I really hope it`s nothing but I`m imagining they`ll tell me they need to replace the whole window or something ;) The foggy streaks look like they are inside the glass.

Any other guesses (or words of hope) are greatly appreciated - Cheers!

02-06-2006, 07:32 PM

Thanks for the feedback - that is weird! -

I really hope it`s nothing but I`m imagining they`ll tell me they need to replace the whole window or something ;) The foggy streaks look like they are inside the glass.

Any other guesses (or words of hope) are greatly appreciated - Cheers!

Can you smear the streaks by touch them? I ask this because new cars have what is called out gassing....it kind of like a blue smokijng effect on the inside of the windows....I would also call the dealership and tell them about what you are seeing.....They might have an idea about what it is.

02-06-2006, 07:42 PM
No - I can not smear them. I even tried some Klasse on a very small section and it had no effect. The gassing sounds interesting though - it does look like smoky streaks and blotches inside the glass. Do you know if the gassing goes away after a while?

Thank you very much for the hope!

02-07-2006, 11:25 AM
FYI - Just took it back to the dealer today.

Of course, you could not see the streaks when I took it in!

The salesman was very helpful and took me right to the service manager.

He told me to use Bon Ami. (again, the streaks were not visible under the light)

I just purchased some and will try it but I am not very optimistic.

The salesman said if it was the tinting (factory) it is under warranty.

Does anyone know if Bon Ami May work? If it is the tinting, would the whole window need to be replaced or just re-tinted.

Thank you all for any comments or feedback. Regards, Will.

02-07-2006, 11:44 AM
I`ve never heard of streaks in the glass before. However, I imagine if they are truly "in the glass." Then the only way to get rid of them would be to replace the glass. I would think the more likely answer is that the stain is on the surface of the glass. If you had the window tinted it could be under the tint, but still on top of the glass.

Bon Ami I believe was rated the #1 glass cleaner by the guru reports and I`ve heard it`s pretty good. If a cleaner doesn`t work you may want to look into a glass polish or maybe using a vinegar dilution.

In my last car, I had what appeared to be a "suction cup mark" on the front windshield. I was never able to remove it, but in the end it was only noticeable on occasion and I learned to live with it.