View Full Version : Layering with different wax?

01-20-2011, 12:43 PM
I`ve been reading so many different things that it`s confusing the heck out of me so I`m gonna make a post about it.

Waxes I`m interested in using:

1. Collinite 476S

2. Collinite 845

3. Mothers FX SynWax (still half a bottle left)

4. P21S 100% (Not sure if I want to buy it, quite expensive)

Some people say 476S is good for a base layer because it`s the most durable of the Collinite, and then use 845 on top of that as it gives more shine.

I`ve also read people recommend FX SynWax (or P21S 100%) on the bottom for shine, and then 476S/845 on top for durability.

So much contradiction I don`t know what to think. I guess everyone has their own little thing going on, and none is "right" or "wrong".


From reading all that, I`ve come up with my own little way and just want to get some approval from some pros.

【Black Car】

Summer: FX (contain some fillers for scratches?) topped with 845 (I`ve read it`s heat resistant?)

Winter: 476S topped with 845 (for better winter durability?)

【Silver Car】

Summer: Mothers Cleaner Wax (just for the heck of finishing it) topped with 845

Winter: same as black just for durability

Once I finish the FX, I may want to try the P21S 100% as I`ve read it gives VERY good shine....if I`m financially stable....

Any other advices?