View Full Version : Correct way to clean aluminum/chrome/plastic trim around windows

01-09-2011, 12:38 AM
What is correct way to clean aluminum/chrome/plastic trim around windows? I am not sure what the trim is made of on my 10 G37 looks like the front grill has this too It appears to be chrome but then looks like the same stuff as the INFINITI emblems might be plastic?? I use thick and plush MF towels to clean the windows and thick and plush MF towels for QD. When i applied QD it seems to just spread and not dry very well but today I used the MF towel that I cleaned the glass with which had glass cleaner on it and it gave them a nice shine but want to make sure the glass cleaner doesnt damage this trim???

01-09-2011, 06:21 PM
I use smooth MF small ( glass cleaning ) towels with a quick detailer and it never streaks. If thats doesn`t work for you try bounty paper towels folded for thickness. Also some glass cleaners use ammonia, which when applied to plastic trim and levers can bubble the chrome look coating. Any that cleary says no ammonia is fine to use.

01-10-2011, 01:06 PM
G37- Noting that I know nothing about Infinities, "chromed plastic" can be fragile. I usually treat mine with the Klasse twins and try to really layer on the KSG so it a) is well-protected and b) doesn`t need redone again for a long time.

The stuff around the windows could be who-knows-what :nixweiss On Audis it`s clear-anodized aluminum and *VERY* fragile, surprisingly so considering that anodizing is usually kinda tough. I treat that stuff with KAIO too, and then top with some LSP, often the KSG for the same reasons I use it on the plastic stuff.

My general solution to QD issues- fog the surface with your breath and buff with something that really *dries* the surface effectively (many plush MFs don`t do that very well period).

NouvelleNorme- Welcome to Autopia!

Yeah, I too was thinking that the ammonia could be problematic, not that it`s ever messed anything up for me.