View Full Version : Carptet Extractor Suggestions?

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12-24-2010, 04:18 PM
I would like to buy a carpet extractor to clean carpets and upholstery, but they cost way more than I want to spend, upwards of $800

Is there a cheaper solution? I heard that the Bissell little green machine filled with diluted Meg`s APC works well.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :2thumbs:

imported_Prestige Detail
12-24-2010, 04:35 PM
For the money, the heated version is not that bad IMO. You may have to dump the tank a few times trying to do a full vehicle but it works.

12-24-2010, 05:35 PM
The little green machine does not have enough power for my likeing. But if u r doing this for a hobby it might work but for a living no. If u cant get a big unit thin spring for a steamer they work good. U can get a steamer for a lot cheaper than a extractor.

12-24-2010, 07:36 PM
I just picked up a Mytee Tempo S300 spotter... although it`s not heated, it can be had for under $400 and it is quite powerful. I have tried both heated and cold water extractors... IMO, I cannot really tell much of a difference in performance. I do pre-treat all trouble spots on the carpet with the appropriate Pro-Chem product, I use an upholstery brush to agitate and I do NOT add anything to the solution tank but water. I have terrific results.


12-24-2010, 08:07 PM
Although an extractor is great for certain jobs, a tornador does a better job for most jobs. I know the concept is not exactly the same, but it does an excellent job removing stains from carpets and seats.

imported_Prestige Detail
12-24-2010, 09:08 PM
Although an extractor is great for certain jobs, a tornador does a better job for most jobs. I know the concept is not exactly the same, but it does an excellent job removing stains from carpets and seats.

I will attest to this also. The few times I have used it on my EX`s Honda CRV, it worked very well. Just adds another thing you have to buy (Air compressor that flows enough CFM to support it) if your mobile.

12-24-2010, 10:49 PM
I steamer does a fantastic job, I sold my extractor soon after getting mine.

12-25-2010, 08:31 AM
What kind of steamer works well for carpet?

12-25-2010, 12:41 PM
This is the one I have: Vapor Clean Unilux 3000 Commercial Steam Cleaner 1500W, 5Bar 72+PSI, Pressure Gauge, 9` Hose, 315°F, 1-3Hr, 17-23Lb, Lifetime Boiler & Element - ITALY at AllBrands.com (http://www.allbrands.com/products/abp13897.html) that and Floex works great.

12-26-2010, 01:35 PM
Looks like I got some thinking to do.

How does a Steamer differ in cleaning method from an Extractor?

What is the process for a steamer?

Thanks very much for the great suggestions.

12-26-2010, 01:58 PM
How does a Steamer differ in cleaning method from an Extractor?

What is the process for a steamer?

A steamer shoots a stream of steam, which can heat/emulsify soiling as well as "blasting" things clean with the pressure of its output. VERY, very different from an extractor, which can spray solution (and some good extractors really do *spray* it with considerable force), but IME rely primarily upon suction to do their cleaning.

Sometimes the steamer works like a miracle, but other times I want to extract. But like 08xB, with my extractors, I often use the sprayer feature primarily as a means of rinsing, to get out all the cleaner. And yeah, Pro-Chem stuff is great and very economical.

Note that with a steamer you have to be a little careful as its output is high-temperature. I`ve melted synthetic carpet nap with a steamer even though I wasn`t being mindless about it. I`ve melted plastic too, but that time I *was* being kinda careless :o And of course everybody will scald himself once or twice if doing enough steaming :D

Noting that I have a pair of steamers (the Daimer is pretty good by any measure) and five or six extractors (ranging from little Hoover/Bissell portables to a commercial-level Century/Ninja), IMO both machines have their places and one isn`t really a substitute for the other. I myself find the extractors to be *overall* more useful. But hey, that`s just *me* and the stuff *I* am cleaning up.

Oh, and extractors are *SO* handy around the house! I honestly can`t imagine not having one just for the "uh-oh, gotta clean that carpet!" situations that come up now and then. Got kids or pets? If so, I`d sure want an extractor. If not, you`ll probably still find a use for one- the guy who cuts my hair had a protein drink spill in the trunk of his Audi...think "death car stench"....so he bought a Bissell, used some of my "protein stain remover" stuff and DIYed the problem in no time. Since then he`s found all sorts of uses for it and doesn`t know how he got by without it.

But then again, when I need the steamer, I need a steamer. It`s not like I extract stuff in my engine compartment any more than I`d steam my oriental rugs.

EDIT: It occurs to me that this time of year, I use both an extractor and a steamer every time I clean up my wife`s A8; I steam the pedals clean (quick and easy) and extract the (factory carpeted) floor mats to get the salt/etc. out of them. And that extracting *works* for that; after eleven winters and >100K miles, her original floormats are still OK.

12-26-2010, 02:39 PM
If you have the budget for it, there are extractors that use steam. Since I don`t have the budget, I`m sticking with steam. I also have a Tornador, but haven`t used it enough to say if its worth it or not. The Durmaid extractor I had didn`t do a very good for me.

12-26-2010, 04:17 PM
If you have the budget for it, there are extractors that use steam...

Yeah, now and then I wish I`d sprung for one of those. Wouldn`t have cost any more than the Daimer steamer + the Century extractor. But then again, I`d be leery of repairs (I`ve sent my Daimer back twice that I can think of).

I do think about that Tornador, might pick one up next time I`m feeling self-indulgent.

12-26-2010, 10:07 PM
Great detailed updates, I do like both but think an extractor would probably be a better choice for me. Don`t do a lot of auto carpet cleaning and have a budget of around $200, I know it is a lame budget that`s why I am looking for suggestions and machines in that price range.

Just looking for a personal machine for my floor mats, auto upholstery etc. Still prefer to do my details the old fashioned way with a scrub brush and Carpet/Upholstery cleaner like Eimann Fabrik.

12-27-2010, 01:14 PM
...I.. have a budget of around $200...Just looking for a personal machine for my floor mats, auto upholstery etc. Still prefer to do my details the old fashioned way with a scrub brush and Carpet/Upholstery cleaner like Eimann Fabrik.

Given your budget and what you`re planning to do, a small extractor like one of the Bissell units oughta fit the bill quite nicely (well, at least IMO). If you can, get a heated one, it really does make a difference even if you just use the sprayer to rinse.