View Full Version : How can I get car wax off of my cars black window trim?

12-10-2010, 08:40 AM
I was waxing my car for the first time at night, yeah go figure!, but anyways I got some wax on the window trim( the part in between the front and back windows) and it looks all smudgy and not a smooth blackness. Is there anything I can do to get it back to normal? BTW I was using meguire`s NXT wax. Can it just go away by itself?

12-10-2010, 10:00 AM
There`s a couple ways to go about removing it. Try an eraser, or a little IPA on a MF.

12-10-2010, 11:46 AM
Or try the stuff made for removing wax residue (lots of brands, I got mine from Griot`s but there`s gotta be a cheaper source)...called something like "Dried Wax Remover".

Or PrepSol type solvents.

Or KAIO type products.

Or APC. But I prefer the others since they don`t require rinsing.

12-10-2010, 11:50 AM
I use Megs APC 10:1

12-10-2010, 12:00 PM
Hi-Temp`s Prep Wash is also a good choice. It`s also a great product to have on hand, anyway. And it`s cheap. I get it from here (http://www.topoftheline.com/silicone-wax-remover.html).

Get yourself a very soft bristled toothbrush. I prefer the pediatric extra soft bristles. Spray a little Isopropyl alcohol, Prep Wash, PrepSol, or whatever you`re using on to the trim. Gently scrub the area with the toothbrush in a circular motion. Wipe up the residue with a micro fiber towel.

This same technique works well for removing wax residue from anywhere you might have a bit of buildup (around badges, emblems, windows, etc.) If you have wax buildup on a paint/trim junction, try using a cotton swab instead of the toothbrush. Much less chance of marring the paint with a cotton swab. The wood stick with cotton on the end type work well, but you have to be careful that you don`t gouge anything with the stick part. You can get them at medical supply stores.

12-12-2010, 08:00 PM
Before you run out and spend $$$$$ give the suggested Pink Pearl eraser a go ... works 95% of the time for me.