View Full Version : Is there a better Souveran?

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12-06-2010, 10:55 AM
Souveran, I think, provides a special look on my black car. I think I have seen the difference. I`m not sure how to describe the difference, but it gives a warm dark glow ... I think.

Anyway, Dark Horse recently posted a pic of his hood over at AG comparing Souveran and Supernatural. I was shocked by the difference. Souveran really does darken the paint, and this must be related to the depth and glow that I think I see.


This got me thinking. Are there other waxes out there that give the signature Souveran look or something close to it? They could be more expensive or less expensive. The following names come to mind (most of which I have not yet tried): SV Concorso, Zymol Glasur, Trade Secret, Lusso Oro. Do any of these, or others, provide that dark, warm glow for which Souveran is famous?

12-06-2010, 12:13 PM
akimel- If you look at how the Mustang pic is exposed (compare the two hood-pins and, OTOH, the sorta-vertical front edge of the hood) you might rethink that diff a *little* bit :think:

But yeah, Souveran does have a signature look. And I for one did not find Trade Secret to duplicate it to my satisfaction.

Ever try cheap ol` Meguiar`s #26? It does the "rich, dark" look pretty well (but it`s not Souveran). Can`t help with any of those fancy waxes :nixweiss

12-06-2010, 03:00 PM
Give Lusso Oro a try, I find that it has a very similar look to PS. I also think SV Concorso has a similar if not better look and has much better durability, too bad they raised the price so much.

12-06-2010, 03:31 PM
akimel- If you look at how the Mustang pic is exposed (compare the two hood-pins and, OTOH, the sorta-vertical front edge of the hood) you might rethink that diff a *little* bit :think:

Yeah, more then a little. Both halves of that hood are at different angles to the light source and are reflecting different images.

Rob Tomlin
12-07-2010, 12:45 AM
Funny, I literally just received my very first jar of Souveran (thanks to the great Black Friday price at AG) a few hours ago.

I still have some Trade Secret here too. Will try both eventually in order to compare on my red HHR.

12-07-2010, 07:40 AM
akimel- If you look at how the Mustang pic is exposed (compare the two hood-pins and, OTOH, the sorta-vertical front edge of the hood) you might rethink that diff a *little* bit :think:

But yeah, Souveran does have a signature look. And I for one did not find Trade Secret to duplicate it to my satisfaction.

Ever try cheap ol` Meguiar`s #26? It does the "rich, dark" look pretty well (but it`s not Souveran). Can`t help with any of those fancy waxes :nixweiss

The way the pic was taken really changes things up. Megs #26 is similar, and another great choice is Optimum Car Wax. Both #26 and OCW will not look as deep BUT they also both attract a LOT less dust than souveran.

12-07-2010, 08:38 AM
I have Vintage on my shelf. It stands up to the best waxes out there as far as looks. But right now I`m hooked on HD Proxy. A clean, deep, wet look. Can be found here.

Car Wax (http://www.carguygarage.com/carwax.html)

12-07-2010, 10:21 AM
I have Vintage on my shelf. It stands up to the best waxes out there as far as looks. But right now I`m hooked on HD Proxy. A clean, deep, wet look. Can be found here.

Car Wax (http://www.carguygarage.com/carwax.html)

AND.... it attracts dust every bit as well as Souveran too! LOL.

12-07-2010, 10:35 AM
I still have some Trade Secret here too. Will try both eventually in order to compare on my red HHR.

I`ll be interested to hear how the two compare on your red HHR....wonder if your experience with that will mirror (or differ from) my experience with the two on my sorta-silver Jag :think:

12-07-2010, 10:48 AM
Thats what makes it so fun to use. A little QD and the dust is gone.

12-07-2010, 11:27 AM
I have Vintage on my shelf. It stands up to the best waxes out there as far as looks.

Thanks to a sample that was given me, I have tried Vintage once on my black S2K (http://www.meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36722). I loved the look! But it lies forever beyond the reach of my wallet. I don`t expect I`ll ever find a crystal of Vintage sitting under the Christmas tree on Sunday morning. Not even Santa can afford the stuff. :Geezx

My recollection is that Vintage bestows a warmth and glow that rivals Souveran--plus it`s significantly more durable, both in its protective properties and its look. Perhaps there are those out there who have tried both waxes and can put into words the similarities and differences.

In any case, I am but a poor mortal who cannot afford the waxes of the gods.

12-07-2010, 03:06 PM
I`ve got Souveran and Fuzion and 99 times out of 100, I reach for Carnauba Moose instead. Better darkening effect and durability.

12-07-2010, 03:52 PM
Thanks to a sample that was given me, I have tried Vintage once on my black S2K (http://www.meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36722). I loved the look! But it lies forever beyond the reach of my wallet. I don`t expect I`ll ever find a crystal of Vintage sitting under the Christmas tree on Sunday morning. Not even Santa can afford the stuff. :Geezx

My recollection is that Vintage bestows a warmth and glow that rivals Souveran--plus it`s significantly more durable, both in its protective properties and its look. Perhaps there are those out there who have tried both waxes and can put into words the similarities and differences.

In any case, I am but a poor mortal who cannot afford the waxes of the gods.

Why don`t you give HD Poxy a try. It is not a wallet buster. It gives the look of a nuba. Easy on easy off.

Rob Tomlin
12-07-2010, 07:00 PM
akimel- If you look at how the Mustang pic is exposed (compare the two hood-pins and, OTOH, the sorta-vertical front edge of the hood) you might rethink that diff a *little* bit :think:

A little bit yes, but not a lot. You can see a very distinct line down the middle of the hood where Dark Horse had placed the tape on the hood. The admittedly slight difference in the way the light source is hitting each side simply will not produce such a distinct line like that by itself. I think the hood scoop is a bit flatter than the hood, and it also clearly shows the darkening effect, but not to the same extreme as the hood.

12-07-2010, 07:47 PM
You have to also remember that line in the center is a natural body line that peaks up so depending upon the angle of the light source you could easily change the contrasts between the two.

Here is a random picture I pull off of google that easily depicts this.
