View Full Version : Interior with toothbrush

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12-01-2010, 04:01 PM
How affective is this method? I just saw a write-up with a guy doing it on a ferrari interior, and it pretty much came out looking awesome.

Just curious as to if I can use a toothbrush on any leather? (Will it cause harm etc)

And also, would a cleaner like Lexol work with it? Or should a different type of cleaner be used with it?

12-01-2010, 06:23 PM
solekeeper- All toothbrushes are not the same, some are very stiff and others aren`t.

FWIW, I like natural-bristle toothbrushes as they get soft(er) when wet just like BHBs do. The softest of those are mayb *too* soft for most leather but never hurt anything I`ve used them on, the stiffest ones are, IMO, too stiff for most automotive leather, but I bet somebody here uses something more aggressive all the time with no problems (I just like playing it safe).

I`ve used all kinds of brushes with Lexol`s cleaner and that works fine IME. Not that I use Lexol`s stuff any more though, preferring LeatherMasters these days.

David Fermani
12-01-2010, 09:23 PM
I`ve been known to use a toothbrush or two on an interior. :grinno: I prefer the soft ones too. Used, but not worn.


12-02-2010, 02:23 AM
I`ve been known to use a toothbrush or two on an interior. :grinno: I prefer the soft ones too. Used, but not worn.


Hmm, I`m thinking a leopard toothbrush makes some kind of statement. Not sure just what kind of statement though. What else is in the detailing bag of tricks? WaterPik? Poli Grip? Flossing around shift knobs? :rofl


12-02-2010, 12:32 PM
David Fermani- Heh heh, that handfull looks the front portion of my "small brushes" drawer :D

Ever try a natural-bristle toothbrush?

What else is in the detailing bag of tricks? WaterPik? Poli Grip? Flossing around shift knobs? :rofl


WaterPiks are handy for cleaning all sorts of stuff, I have one in my basement shop (demoted from bathroom duty).

Electric toothbrushes can do some decent scrubbing too.

12-02-2010, 03:27 PM
Speaking of "tooth" brushes...I love love love this one:


Not quite a toothbrush but awesome none the less.

12-02-2010, 10:35 PM
thanks accumulator for the help as always, and david I beleive it was you on the Ferrari! LOL

Anywho, which kind of toothbrush could I use? (specific name)

Or could I just use any used one?

I know the toothbrush probably isn`t the most time effective way to do interior, but I don`t do detailing (just personal) so I don`t really care.

And accumulator, why leathermasters over Lexol? Always open to try new products if they work well.

12-03-2010, 12:30 PM
solekeeper- See if a google on "Vermont Country Store" brings up anything (I bet it will). Search them for the natural-bristle toothbrushes. They`re kinda pricey but a set of hard/medium/soft ones might be handy; I sure like mine (just reminds me that I finally wore out/broke the handle on one of `em).

Lexol`s cleaner always worked OK for me, but I was never a fan of their protectant. When I got my LM stuff I was 100% satsified with both products so I`ve just stuck with their stuff. Their "Strong" cleaner is quite effective and can be diluted when you don`t need something that potent.

Oh, and I also like the no-rinse cleaner from Sonus that works on both leather and vinyl, and now and then I prefer it for certain jobs, though I`m afraid I can`t really verbalize why I choose it over something else :think:

12-03-2010, 04:41 PM
How is leathermaster`s stuff priced compared to lexol?

I think someone gave me my lexol anyway.. lol

12-03-2010, 05:44 PM
How is leathermaster`s stuff priced compared to lexol?

I think someone gave me my lexol anyway.. lol

Beats me, I never really compare prices on such stuff. But it`s gonna cost more than getting it for free!

12-04-2010, 12:12 AM
lol true!

Is the LM an all in one? Cleaner/conditioner?

And do you use toothbruses with it? Or just once in a while?

12-04-2010, 01:49 PM
Is the LM an all in one? Cleaner/conditioner?

No, they have a cleaner (regular or strong), a protectant, and maybe a conditioner. I just use the cleaner and protectant.

I don`t like all-in-one products all that much for leather; I don`t mind if a protectant/conditioner does a bit of cleaning (and most will), but if something really needs *cleaned* I want the (presumbably effective) cleaning agents and the dirt *off* of there.

And do you use toothbruses with it? Or just once in a while?

Only on new-to-me vehicles. Noting that I hardly ever do anybody else`s vehicles, none of ours get all that dirty. Even with the dog-haulers, I just clean things off gently and regularly as needed (some areas get cleaned very frequently, but never aggressively).

And FWIW,I hardly *ever* do more than just lightly clean my leather. I can count on one hand the times I`ve protected/conditioned the leather on any of the Audis, for instance.

12-07-2010, 09:52 PM
thanks! I`ve got an old toothbrush I was going to throw away, this might be a dumb question.. But can I use that? It shouldn`t be too harsh since it`s been used already. lol

12-08-2010, 10:12 AM
Griots Garage makes two boar-hair brushes, but I doubt they can be used everywhere a toothbrush could (or should)

Two Boar`s Hair Detail Brushes - Detailing Tools - Tools - Griot`s Garage (http://www.griotsgarage.com/product/tools/detailing+tools/two+boar%27s+hair+detail+brushes.do)

Maybe someone should start a post about detailing tools that they cannot be without. Q-Tips and toothpicks and bamboo chopsticks sanded to a beveled or coned end come to mind.

12-08-2010, 11:02 AM
Griots Garage makes two boar-hair brushes, but I doubt they can be used everywhere a toothbrush could (or should)

Two Boar`s Hair Detail Brushes - Detailing Tools - Tools - Griot`s Garage (http://www.griotsgarage.com/product/tools/detailing+tools/two+boar%27s+hair+detail+brushes.do)

Those are probably too gentle to be toothbrush subsitutes, but speaking of tools you can`t be without, I never do a wash without using those BHBs. Never.

I`ve got an old toothbrush I was going to throw away, this might be a dumb question.. But can I use that? It shouldn`t be too harsh since it`s been used already

Can`t really say...you just never know. It might be just perfect for one vehicle`s leather but too soft/hard for another`s :nixweiss You have to treat such stuff on a case-by-case basis anyhow. Just be careful while testing it and you should be OK. Wouldn`t surprise me if it`s just fine.