View Full Version : Opti-Clean Review

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11-15-2010, 04:09 PM
OK, I gotta preface this by saying that I won a bottle of Opti-Clean in a drawing from the Optimum forum, so I didn`t actually pay for it. Optimum isn`t paying me for this review, and I don`t have any ties to any manufacturer or retailer. Gotta clear my conscience on that, since I normally only review stuff that I actually pay for.

Hope I have enough time to pound this out before work...

Those of you that know me, know that I am a serious coward when it comes to marring/swirling paint. I don`t touch my paint unless I *absolutely* have to. So I *never* use a QD (or anything else) on a car unless it is already completely free of any dirt at all. I don`t even touch my car to dry it after a wash. So for me to be reviewing a QD-type product is... well... unusual, to say the least.

When ONR first hit the market, I thought for sure it was going to fail in a big way; I just couldn`t see a product being able to prevent swirling when used with a "mash it on your paint and rub" technique. Imagine my surprise when I find myself using it often. Not saying that ONR doesn`t have it`s limits, but it is a damn fine product, and when used correctly, will limit marring to a point that it is only noticeable if used as your only wash method for an extended period of time.

So now Optimum hits the market with a QD type spray, marketed as making it safe to QD your semi-dirty car. Once again, I`m skeptical, but after getting such good results with ONR, I`m cautiously optimistically skeptical. :)

So on with the testing...

I keep my cars clean. It`s a tough regimen to keep up, as I drive 130 miles each way to work. My car gets dirty on this long drive.... fast.

So to really put Opti-Clean to the test, I figured I`d go for broke; I let my car go an entire week without washing it. My car was nasty with desert sand, dirt, road grime.. you name it.

I cleaned the entire car from top to bottom using nothing more than Opti-Clean and Eurow super plush MF`s.

I proceeded to inspect my car for the slightest bit of marring, using my Brinkmann, incandescents, flourescents, and the sun as light sources.

I`m as shocked as I was when I used ONR for the first time. I found no marring. Now keep in mind that my car has hard clear coat on it, so until I get a shot at using Opti-Clean on a softer clear coat (I`d love to try it on a jet black BMW or black Honda), I can`t say that it`s completely safe to use on any paint.

But if you have decently hard clear coat, this stuff is *safe* to use as a QD, even on a dirty car. Wow, never thought I`d hear myself say that, but it`s true.

I did end up using the entire bottle to clean my car, but honestly, I really don`t think Optimum ever intended it to be a replacement for ONR, which is how I used it. I think it`s more meant for QD`ing: using it to remove a small layer of dust from an otherwise clean car. I just thought I`d torture test it to the extreme.

I *saturated* every panel, allowing about a 30 second dwell time, before I *very gently* wiped the surface with a Eurow MF. I did each panel several times, gradually increasing the pressure used as the surface became more free of dirt. I also folded the towel to an unused section before each wipe. I went through about 15 Eurow towels in the process.

Dr. G has a real winner here. Can`t believe I`ve finally found a product that doesn`t make me shake in fear at the thought of QD`ing my car.

11-15-2010, 04:18 PM
Hmmm, good review. I may have to try it out now.

You used a whole 32oz bottle?

11-15-2010, 04:23 PM
Nah, it was the 18 oz. premixed bottle. The 32 oz. bottle is meant to be mixed 1:3 with water. I`ll definitely be picking up a bottle of the 32 oz concentrate in the future. I wouldn`t even bother messing around with the 18 oz bottle, really. It was a bit difficult to stretch the 18 oz bottle to do the whole car with how much I was using.

11-15-2010, 04:36 PM
Nah, it was the 18 oz. premixed bottle. The 32 oz. bottle is meant to be mixed 1:3 with water. I`ll definitely be picking up a bottle of the 32 oz concentrate in the future. I wouldn`t even bother messing around with the 18 oz bottle, really. It was a bit difficult to stretch the 18 oz bottle to do the whole car with how much I was using.

Get a gallon, it`s cheaper that way. BTW been using ONR for years now and also tried the new Ultima Waterless. Ultima smells better, slicker and is way cheaper than OOC, but I like OOC better because of the gloss it leaves behind.

11-15-2010, 05:08 PM
SuperBee364- I enjoyed your review, even if I`m not about to try something like that myself ;)

[Insert usual "you guys who can do this stuff without instilling marring just *kill* me!" comment here...]

11-15-2010, 05:14 PM
SuperBee364- I enjoyed your review, even if I`m not about to try something like that myself ;)

[Insert usual "you guys who can do this stuff without instilling marring just *kill* me!" comment here...]If you use a whole bottle of OOC and 15 towels to wipe down this equals to no marring.

11-16-2010, 11:16 AM
If you use a whole bottle of OOC and 15 towels to wipe down this equals to no marring.

I bet I`d cause some even if I used a gallon of the stuff and two dozen towels :o

11-16-2010, 11:28 AM
Yep, the concentrates are the way to go. $.12 per oz with the 32oz...and only $.08 with the gallon.

11-16-2010, 04:37 PM
Personally, unless absolutely necessary due to bad weather or water restrictions, I have no interest in using a rinse-less wash. Using that much OC ($$) and crumifying a dozen MF towels is not a convenient or enjoyable way of washing a car, IMO. I`ve tried ONR...it works as advertised and is cheap to use, but I just can`t get into using it exclusively. The body panels get washed quickly, but cleaning dirty wheels and wheel wells with a combination of towels and brushes is a pita - not to mention door jams and crevices. Plus, I`d always be thinking about possible marring. I would rather do a full traditional wash.

On the other hand, for mobile detailers or those without water access, I can certainly see the benefits of a rinse-less wash.

11-16-2010, 05:01 PM
the only thing i don`t get at opti-clean is that doesn`t clean from windows as easy as ONR.

to be more precise i get more strikes on windows when i wash with opti-clean than onr . Yes the windows are clean separate after wash with 2 towels and window cleaner.

11-16-2010, 05:41 PM
the only thing i don`t get at opti-clean is that doesn`t clean from windows as easy as ONR.

to be more precise i get more strikes on windows when i wash with opti-clean than onr . Yes the windows are clean separate after wash with 2 towels and window cleaner.

OOC is loaded with polymers and thus the streaking on windows. I give it a fast wipe just to get the dirt off and then use a window cleaner with a ww glass towel.

11-16-2010, 06:57 PM
Personally, unless absolutely necessary due to bad weather or water restrictions, I have no interest in using a rinse-less wash. Using that much OC ($$) and crumifying a dozen MF towels is not a convenient or enjoyable way of washing a car, IMO. I`ve tried ONR...it works as advertised and is cheap to use, but I just can`t get into using it exclusively. The body panels get washed quickly, but cleaning dirty wheels and wheel wells with a combination of towels and brushes is a pita - not to mention door jams and crevices. Plus, I`d always be thinking about possible marring. I would rather do a full traditional wash.

On the other hand, for mobile detailers or those without water access, I can certainly see the benefits of a rinse-less wash.

Keep in mind that the way I used it for my post isn`t really it`s intended purpose. It`s meant to be used more in the way of a conventional QD. As a "Quick Detailer" on a lightly dusty/dirty surface. Don`t think it`s really intended to take the place of a real car washing. I tired to make that clear in my post, but I guess I didn`t stress that enough. Yeah, it`s *way* to expensive to use as a car wash, and it isn`t intended be used as one. I only used it this way to really put it to the test.

11-16-2010, 07:58 PM
Keep in mind that the way I used it for my post isn`t really it`s intended purpose. It`s meant to be used more in the way of a conventional QD. As a "Quick Detailer" on a lightly dusty/dirty surface. Don`t think it`s really intended to take the place of a real car washing. I tired to make that clear in my post, but I guess I didn`t stress that enough. Yeah, it`s *way* to expensive to use as a car wash, and it isn`t intended be used as one. I only used it this way to really put it to the test.

Your post was clear, I understood. However, since OC is advertised as a waterless wash (you proved that it can be used that way, if desired), some people buying this product may intend to use it as a car wash. I based my opinion with that in mind. It`s an interesting product though, thanks for the review.

03-11-2011, 04:29 PM
I carry OOC it in the trunk instead of a traditional QD... for bird bombs and bugs..

I also like misting OCC on my wheels when I dry them after washing..

10-14-2011, 01:00 PM
So I got a chance to try out Opticlean. It seemed to work ok, definitely a little slow to dry, but perhaps it was the humidity. My thoughts are, it smells and feels just like ONR only a different color. I know its supposed to contain different polymers, but it just feels like ONR at double QD strength.