View Full Version : Recommendations where to buy detail products

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11-13-2010, 08:34 PM
What or where is everyone buying their supplies from? I`ve been buying stuff from local sources, but I`d like to try someone else. Who is everyone`s online favorite? I just noticed the Autopia store has a pretty good selection. Your thoughts would be great.

11-13-2010, 08:45 PM
There are tons of online stores... I personally shop at Detailedimage.com because I love it and they have everything I need. I`ve used pakshak, topoftheline, autogeek, detailersdomain, and many more.

11-13-2010, 09:03 PM
There are tons of online stores... I personally shop at Detailedimage.com because I love it and they have everything I need. I`ve used pakshak, topoftheline, autogeek, detailersdomain, and many more.

these guys have promotions going on all the time and low cost shipping without having to spend a minimal amount (like right now through sunday, 10% off + $2.99 flat rate shipping with no minimum). more vendors should take notice... :up

11-13-2010, 09:33 PM
I like detailed image--the next day shipping was at no extra charge

they have constant sales going on

I`ll then look at amazon quite simply because it`s most often the cheapest.

IF I can`t find what I`m looking for there, I`ll resort to Autogeek(aside from that I like to look at AG to see product options)

I`m going to start looking into pakshak because a bunch of people seem to praise their MF WW towels.

11-13-2010, 10:53 PM
West Coast Detail Supply (aka excel detail) or Autogeek.

11-14-2010, 12:29 AM
I order from detailedimage detailersdomain.com autodetailingsolutions.net my favorite and autogeek.net and poorboysworld.com prob others as well cant think off top of my list.

11-14-2010, 01:03 AM
West Coast - West Coast Detail Supply Home (http://www.westcoastdetailsupply.com/), great CS and very nice.

East Coast - Auto Aesthetica new(to me) to online retail that I found through another forum for specialize product had the best personalized customer service I have ever had in decade of online buying detail product

Auto Aesthetica - Exclusive Detail Supply and Premium Car Care Products (http://www.autoaesthetica.com/) even though site is down they work very fast and treat me like I am important, even before building order instead of being short and trying to push sales. HIGHLY RECOMMEND, but we all look for different things in retailer.

poorboysworld.com is quick and easy for PB orders. Good email CS too

moreshine.com for stoner product is super easy

if you buy large OPT order, buy direct from them optimumcarcare.com

11-14-2010, 10:14 AM
As for amazon, I prefer to spend an extra a dollar or 2 and support private business or mass chains dedicated to the industry (avoid walmart).

It`s important to support private businessman and local bricks and mortar shops. Part of the reason our economy is the crap is because of the walmarts/amazon`s of the world. Taking money of out of individuals and putting it into faceless corporations is really really hurting the economy.

Believe me, saving $0.05 on an apple by buying it at walmart vs. buying it one at the local market is hurting us.

Believe me, saving $1 by buying something at amazon.com vs. spending the extra dollar and supporting an online "real" person ie di, autogeek, autopia etc. running a company or buying it from a local distributor is hurting our economy.

We have to spend our money wisely by supporting people vs. faceless corporations being running by Wallstreet that are looking for unrealistic growth expectations and causing stocks to crash artificially to gain on the way up and down (making the market). How can a corporation that makes 1billion a quarter not meet expectations and cause share holders in 1 day to loss 10-20-30% of their value only for it to recover a few months later but in the process, grossly making shareholders uneasy.

Saving that $10/week by supporting walmart and amazon ends up costing us $100`s, $1000 when jobs are lost, real estate markets fall, inflation rising etc.

Sorry... about the rant. Support a person with every dollar you spend. Spending the extra dollar because it will help everyone get out of the recession and recovery much faster!

11-14-2010, 11:06 AM
I can appreciate your sentiment--but when you look into amazon--they take on partners from those smaller private stores (if you check some of the side info it says it`s actually not amazon, but some other private business..)

11-14-2010, 01:06 PM
But the margins for that vendor will be less then if bought directly from their site. Sure it allows the business to grow (albeit on smaller profits) but at the end of the day, Amazon`s profit off the product goes into a large corporation driven by the street vs. a local community that might be in your neck of the woods. I still feel it`s far better to invest in the person then a corporation --- when possible and within reason of course.

11-14-2010, 01:09 PM
point duly noted =]

DI is usually my first stop anyways so i guess it works out

11-14-2010, 01:52 PM
Besides the places already mentined, I also patronize:

ProperAutoCare -- Car Care Products, Best Car Waxes, Car Polishes, Auto Detailing Products, Car Buffers & Car Accessories (http://www.properautocare.com/)

Aloha & Welcome to Our Oasis for All Your Auto Detailing, Auto Detailing Supplies, Auto Detailing Equipment, Auto Detailing Products, & Auto Detailing Accessories for all your Automobile Detailing (http://www.pakshak.com/index.html)

Top of the Line Auto Detailing Supplies (http://www.topoftheline.com/)

Great service from all the above.

11-14-2010, 09:00 PM
Wow, that is the first time I have heard someone comparing Amazon to Walmart. I like Amazon, ProperAutoCare and Autogeek. DI has good service too but doesn`t have as wide of a selection as AG. For Megs stuff, ADS rocks.

11-14-2010, 11:16 PM
Depends on what products I`m looking for.

11-16-2010, 11:29 AM
Wow, that is the first time I have heard someone comparing Amazon to Walmart. I like Amazon, ProperAutoCare and Autogeek. DI has good service too but doesn`t have as wide of a selection as AG. For Megs stuff, ADS rocks.

That being said... if I had to pick between either one.. I`d pick Walmart. Why?

Simple because they support hundreds of locals jobs in a lot of communities. That being said, I still disagree entirely with the idea behind the store and how it adversely affects the entire economy and communities by taking jobs and opportunity from local small cap business people by not being able to compete and paying low salary jobs. Loss of consumer choice, loss of customer service all to save a dollar or 2.