View Full Version : Torn apart between 2 Stripping washes DI CW Vs. CG CWD

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11-05-2010, 09:31 PM
Guys, I need a good 1 step LSP stripping shampoo that is very lubricious to avoid inducing swirls/scracthes.

I`m having difficulty choosing between DI`s Citrus Wash -->Chemical Guys Citrus Wash - 16 oz, Free Holiday Shipping Available | Detailed Image (http://www.detailedimage.com/Chemical-Guys-M31/Citrus-Wash-P410/16-oz-S1/)

and CG`s Citrus Wash Daily (I Guess the new name for Citrus Was & Clear). --> Daily car wash shampoos CITRUS BASED (http://www.chemicalguys.com/Daily_car_wash_shampoos_CITRUS_BASED_p/cws_302_clear.htm)

Which is superior in Lubricity and stripping performance?

11-06-2010, 01:11 PM
I `ve been really pleased with the Citrus Wash. Super slick suds. A strong mix removes everything and a weak mixture cleans but leaves a nice glossy shine.

11-06-2010, 01:26 PM
Guys, I need a good 1 step LSP stripping shampoo that is very lubricious to avoid inducing swirls/scracthes.

I`m having difficulty choosing between DI`s Citrus Wash -->Chemical Guys Citrus Wash - 16 oz, Free Holiday Shipping Available | Detailed Image (http://www.detailedimage.com/Chemical-Guys-M31/Citrus-Wash-P410/16-oz-S1/)

and CG`s Citrus Wash Daily (I Guess the new name for Citrus Was & Clear). --> Daily car wash shampoos CITRUS BASED (http://www.chemicalguys.com/Daily_car_wash_shampoos_CITRUS_BASED_p/cws_302_clear.htm)

Which is superior in Lubricity and stripping performance?

I think either one will do what you want. I can`t speak for CW, I`ve used CW&G as well as CW&C and both strip completely when mixed at that dilution. Both also make a nice maintenance wash at lower strength. CW&G feels a bit more lubrous, possibly due to the glossing agents. CW&C just feels like a cleaner, clean, if you know what I mean. Reading the CW dilution directions, both CW&G and CW&C will both strip effectively at that heavy-duty dilution. Makes me wonder of CW might be the same product with a different color and target market.

I wouldn`t mind a swap for a look-see at CW if someone`s interested in CW&G or CW&C.


11-06-2010, 02:57 PM
You might also consider High Temp Prep Wash with a boar`s hair brush. It flat-out out cleans pretty much everything, and will strip all LSP`s very fast. When used with a boars hair brush, you run much less of a chance of wash induced marring than a highly lubed soap with a mitt. Prep wash is great stuuf, and it`s cheap.

Edit: couple good ways of using it: Dilute it with equal parts of water, then use a garden sprayer to apply it. Then gently agitate it with a BHB.

My favorite way is four ounces in a foam cannon, lay down a nice thick layer of foam. In a five gallon bucket, add six ounces of Prep Wash to four gallons of water. Keep dunking your bhb in the bucket to keep the flow of stuff running off your car as you use the brush on the layer of foam. Use DI water to rinse, and just walk away.

11-06-2010, 04:04 PM

Would you say that HT`s Prep Wash is more lubricious than CG`s CWD/CW?

11-07-2010, 11:34 AM
It`s about the same as the Citrus Wash Clear, but not as slick as the Citrus Wash & Gloss. *BUT* it out cleans/out strips both of them. It`s some serious ju ju. It has such great chemical cleaning power that you really don`t need to worry too much about how slick it is; a wash media as gentle as a boars hair brush will get off all but the nastiest stuff when used with prep wash. A gentle BHB`ing with prep wash, and your lsp is *gone*, and your car is *clean*.

My own personal opinion on highly lubricated washing soaps: they`re bunk. Lubricating the dirt on your car isn`t gonna keep you from scratching your paint when you wash it. Abrasive car polishes have far, far, FAR more lubricants in them than even the slickest car wash soap, and yet those polishes are able to abrade your clear coat no problem. The lubrication helps to reduce the heat, and to make the scratches from the abrasives more uniform. The dirt particles on your car are like boulders compared to the tiny abrasives used in polishes. No car soap is gonna have enough lubrication in it to prevent those boulders from scratching your car if you`re taking those boulders off with a wash mitt. ONR caveat: ONR`s "polymer encapsulation" isn`t just marketing hype. It really does work. So ONR is the exception when it comes to removing dirt with a mitt/sponge/mf towel.

My advice, FWIW: Use the least aggressive wash media you can use and still get your car clean. Spray the car off with a pressure washer to remove the big dirt first. Lay down a layer of strong car wash foam. Then spray that off with a pressure washer. This will get off the really big abrasives. Now lay down another layer of foam. Use a BHB to flick the dirt off your car, rather than taking it for a ride across your paint with a wash mitt. Rinse with a pressure washer, using DI water if you can. Then just walk away and let it dry.

Polishing a car to remove swirls is actually pretty easy. The hard part is *maintaining* a swirl free finish with a wash method that doesn`t put the swirls right back in.

11-07-2010, 11:59 AM
Ahh I love responses like these that answer the question and also share personal experience and thought. Thank you. That makes very logical sense. Hadn`t thought about it from that angle. I will be ordering some Prep wash because I mainly need it to strip my lsps on the fly.

Lastly, I dropped by TOL`s site and in the prep-wash description it says
Prep Wash may be diluted, but is always used sparingly at any strength. Mist a cloth or sponge and wipe over the surface. Wipe dry with a clean towel.

I actually thought it was a wash like CWC. So its used just like an alcohol wipe down...right? Hmm...I`m kinda rethinking now, because I feel perhaps CW/CWD maybe more versatile..Hmm...

11-07-2010, 12:29 PM
I get Prep Wash from TOL, too. Great service and prices from them.

Yeah, High Temp says to use it like you`d use IPA: dilute it (or not) in a spray bottle, spray it on, wipe it off. It works really well for this purpose, but it does tend to leave a little residue behind. So i follow prep wash with IPA when used out of a squirt bottle.

What High Temp *doesn`t* tell ya, is that it is a remarkable car wash soap, too. They probably don`t bother to market it as such, as it *will* strip whatever LSP is on your car every time you wash. Not many people want to do that, I imagine.

But when you want to get *everything* off your car, nothing (short of a paint decontamination system) is gonna get your car cleaner than prep wash, with minimal effort required.

Edit: if your car is seriously dirty, diluting it 1:1 in a garden sprayer and pre-spraying your car works very well. You could then use a modified version of Accumulator`s "Dislodge and flush" method... after applying the pre-spray, take your garden hose (with no nozzle) and point it at the BHB as you use it on a car. The BHB dislodges the gunk off your paint, and the hose water immediately flushes it off the car`s surface. Pretty sweet mar-free technique.

11-07-2010, 12:41 PM
One quick thought...if you`re thinking about using a car wash soap to do a pre-polish stripping of the LSP, then I really wouldn`t worry too much about using a wash mitt, as the marring is gonna be taken out during the polishing process, any way. All my rants above were more along the lines of removing an LSP prior to applying a new coat of LSP, not for pre-polish LSP stripping.

If you`ll be using it for Pre-polish LSP stripping, just go nuts with it like you would with any other car soap and a wash mitt. You`ll find that your pre-polish wash time will be greatly reduced. When I do a pre-polish wash on customers cars (or mine, for that matter), I use a pre-spray of prep wash out of a garden sprayer, then a wash mitt in a bucket of 2 gallons of water with 4-8 oz of prep wash. I also keep a spray bottle of undiluted (or 1:1) prep wash handy. As I wash the car, whenever I find corners, crevices, badges where dried on, caked wax gets nasty, I spray it with the hand sprayer, then use an ultra soft, pediatric toothbrush to brush the wax off. Prep wash makes this soo easy; it just melts right through caked on wax. Makes the whole pre-polish wash process soo much faster/easier.

11-07-2010, 12:47 PM
Man, that prep wash from Hi-Temp stinks. LoL. Like smell stinks, but it works very well. Kevin (Picus) use to or still uses it very often.

11-07-2010, 12:52 PM
Oh yeah, it smells down right nasty. Kinda like rotten grapefruit.

There`s quite a few forum guys that use prep wash, but it just doesn`t seem to get talked about very much, although I seem to talk about it every chance I get... new Autopia owners are gonna think I`m shilling for Hi-Temp! ;)

I haven`t wasted my money on P21S Total Auto Wash ever since I tried Prep Wash.

11-07-2010, 12:52 PM

That puts things in perspective. I may get the Qt size and try it out... @ $7.95.. its a very accomodating price. But I do want to know if there are other autopians who have used "Citrus Wash" vs Citrus Wash & Clear relabeled (Citrus wash Daily)

11-07-2010, 12:58 PM
I think Greg Nichols has... seems like we discussed it briefly when Greg was staying with me on his way to SEMA. Hopefully he`ll chime in. I`m on my last bottle of CW&G, and was planning on trying the Citrus Wash Daily and Citrus Wash, but only for maintenance washes, not LSP stripping.

11-07-2010, 01:08 PM
Thanks, really appreciate your input SuperBee. Ya, let`s see what others chime in and have to say abut Citrus Wash Daily and Citrus Wash.

11-07-2010, 01:19 PM
I haven`t wasted my money on P21S Total Auto Wash ever since I tried Prep Wash.

I resent that~! lol

Yea, I bought myself a gallon of the TAW, but esp because of the price on that thing, I`m thinking maybe I`ll find a cheaper APC/wash solution and save the TAW for higher end cars or for situations where I`d rather err on the side of over cautiousness..

I`ve been debating on the CGW`s for some times quite simply because I feel like the Dawn washes seem to not work as well (especially when I`m trying to take off say 476) and ONR seems to be a bad idea for really dirty cars. I kind of cringe at the idea of spraying down a whole care with TAW...though for some of the tougher stuff..I don`t really know if TAW helps either?

can you compare TAW and the HT stuff? in terms of cleaning strength, safety, and w.e. other comparable criteria you can think of?