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01-30-2006, 05:36 PM
We got a game coming

I`m rooting for the Seahawks...as close to my home as they get...

What are your plans?

Staying home with burgers on the BBQ.

01-30-2006, 05:39 PM
Na I dont want Holmgren to win !!!

01-30-2006, 05:40 PM
Super Bowl party! Along with small wager bets and all my buddy`s girlfriends cooking and doing girly things...including my own. :)

01-30-2006, 06:12 PM
Work of course....

Scott P
01-30-2006, 06:51 PM
Since we really don`t know anybody, we`ll probably be at home for the game. It`s not on one of our few HD channels, so I won`t get to enjoy it as much as I`d like.

I think I may have to pull my old Rod Woodson jersey out of the bak of the closet for the game. I will be cooking something good on the grill, probably ribs. :hungry:

01-30-2006, 07:26 PM
i live right near windsor, ontario. right across the river from detroit. we have been having super bowl hype for about a month now. i am not a football fan so it is annoying to me, but it has been great for the fans and the local economy. there have been super bowl parties and galas for the last couple of weeks with more planned.

C. Charles Hahn
01-30-2006, 07:35 PM
Hopefully, staying as far away from Detroit as I can!!

01-30-2006, 07:40 PM
aaa, er...um, what? Super what?

Since Manning and the stupid Dolts went and got beat, I don`t really much care. Just kidding, I`m cheering on the Steelers since Ben went to college only 20 minutes away from here.

Scott P
01-30-2006, 07:53 PM
Hopefully, staying as far away from Detroit as I can!!

I do that everyday, why should the Suber bowl be any different? :D

01-30-2006, 07:58 PM

We`ve been waiting 30 years for this.
It still doesnt seem real.

Coastal Eddie
01-30-2006, 09:40 PM
Hopefully, staying as far away from Detroit as I can!!

I used to date a girl that went to MSU, and that`s what she used to say about Detroit :rofl MSU has to be the largest college campus in the country.

I want Seattle to win.

Joe's Detail
01-30-2006, 10:03 PM
I do that everyday, why should the Suber bowl be any different? :D


i think it will be a good game, but the steelers are just to much

C. Charles Hahn
01-30-2006, 10:07 PM
I used to date a girl that went to MSU, and that`s what she used to say about Detroit :rofl MSU has to be the largest college campus in the country.

I want Seattle to win.

The size of MSU has nothing to do with it; MSU I can deal with. Detroit is far, far worse, IMO. Of course it always helps that I`ve been near and doing things on/around MSU`s campus my whole life....

Mr. Clean
01-30-2006, 11:22 PM
Go Seahawks! Failure on both offense and defense to the Steelers. Sorry Jerome...

Coastal Eddie
01-30-2006, 11:40 PM
The size of MSU has nothing to do with it; MSU I can deal with. Detroit is far, far worse, IMO.

Yeah.....That`s the point I was trying to make.

The stuff about MSU was an after thought. What struck me the most about MSU was that it was a whole damn city unto itself.

Thanks for clarifying!!