View Full Version : Detailing novice

bubble boys 20
10-25-2010, 03:29 PM
Hello. I am new to the site and really am just getting into detailing. I have always appreciated a well detailed car but never have had the time. I have made a pledge to myself to make it a priority and to do it myself. I am really excited to get started. I have been through many posts and was hoping that I could rely on the wealth of wisdom and experience that you all possess.

What are some good products for a beginner? I am looking for both interior and exterior products and accessories (i.e. towels, brushes, applicators, etc.) that you would all recommend.

Thank you so much. I look forward to replies. I cannot wait to get started!!!

10-25-2010, 09:52 PM
Welcome. There are tons of of excellent info here. I`ve been a long time lurker myself, gleaning info for years and just recently started posting. I thought it best to learn what I could from listening to the discussions of other`s before jumping in. But that was me.

You will first want to decide whether to purchase locally, or buy on-line. Either way is fine if you have a good selection available nearby. There are great vendors here as well who can help if you get stuck along the way and have product questions. Also, I highly recommend the search function. There are years of info to pull from, but if you have specific questions about specific products I am sure there are many here who will help.


10-25-2010, 10:32 PM
I had a couple more thoughts as well. At a bare minimum you will want these....

Soap - almost any brand of car soap will do. I buy it locally to avoid the shipping.

A few Microfiber towels. You can use almost any brand as long as they don`t scratch a CD when rubbed across it dry. If it doesn`t scratch the CD, it won`t scratch your finish, and the quality of microfiber varies greatly. Some folks cut any tags off of them before using including myself.

You will need a clay bar to pull contaminates from the finish (even if it`s new vehicle). Lots of guys on here use the Meguiars Smooth Surface clay bar. I don`t, but only because I had another brand on hand already. My impression is that the Meg`s won`t mar your finish if you keep it wet using a detail spray. There are plenty of other brands to choose from though - some more agressive than others.

If you have scratches, spiderwebs, and such in your paint find a mild cleaner or cleaner wax to apply first. Start with the least agressive products first and work your way up from there.

You will want to consider a sealant or carnauba for you top coat (LSP - last step product) depending on whether you prefer a shiny finish (sealant), or a deeper, warmer glow (carnauba). There are some sealants available that take on the qualities of carnauba and their durability is all over the place. So, you will want to buy whatever lasts as long as you are willing to go without reapplying.

Tire dressings, brushes, etc will collect in time. You decide whether you prefer the shiny look on your tires or a more muted blackened look similar to what new tires look like and shop accordingly.

If you don`t have a random orbital buffer and an assortment of pads, in time you will.


10-25-2010, 11:35 PM
If you don`t have a random orbital buffer and an assortment of pads, in time you will.


So true, I`m already eyeing a flex for this spring lol.

10-26-2010, 06:29 AM
I can appreciate your enthusiasm and excitement in getting started on detailing your own car:)

As a detailer, who also started off as an obsessed detailing enthusiast more than 15yrs ago, i would like to share with you some pointers:

Don`t get too hung-up over the different brands. Each car owner, car clubber, forumer, friend would have his/her own favourite brands and products, and loads of personal justifications. Try a few reputable brands and if it appeals to you, stick to it.

You don`t need loads of different brands. Each mftr will try its best to say theirs is the best.

It`s not WHAT you use, it`s HOW you use it.

Once you hv your products, use it in a variety of ways. Experiment with it.

There`s no single best way to use any product. Use new methods and observe the results. Once you have discovered a suitable and practical combo...stick to it.

CONSISTENCY is important.

A car that`s regularly and consistently detailed, will always look great everyday.

A daily driver that`s detailed extensively over a weekend, but never detailed again for a long time, will only look good for a very short period. Is daily beauty important to you?

My car is washed no less than 3 times a week. For others, this may be overkill.

Be realistic and practical.

Some car owners are fanatical over the tiniest swirls. Others are satisfied with just a clean, glossy, sharp looking car. Which type of enthusiast are you:)

Some will spend an entire weekend applying multiple layers of Zaino, oggling at the car, and then stripping away everything the next weekend to apply other products (!!). It`s neither right nor wrong. It`s up to us, really...and what we are pursuing. It`s the ENDLESS chase towards perfection. It`s like an audiophile swapping cables every few days in pursuit of the "perfect" sound reproduction.

If you get a few minor swirls here and there..don`t get frustrated.

We are not driving showcars/concours cars around the city where hundreds of passers-by will inspect our hood with LED torches, hunting for swirls. Any REAL DDriver will hv some degree of imperfections.

You are the MASTER...not the car.

The car serves us...and not the other way around.

Some of my customers become worried/restless when they`re having coffee at the roadside cafe, and their beautifully detailed cars are not within their line of sight!!!!. Some of their girlfriends and wives even complain to me saying hubby is spending too much time in the garage detailing their cars and experimenting endlessly with products. LOL...strike a balance and enjoy a nice car while ensuring our spouses and/or girlfriends are happy and contented:bounce:bounce:bounce

bubble boys 20
10-26-2010, 10:10 AM
Thank you very much for the valuable feedback. I got hung up on the idea that I wanted to know what products were most effective because of the old addage "you get what you pay for." Didn`t want to be too price sensitive and cut corners somewhere where I shouldn`t. That said, both of you gave me very important pointers, so I just wanted to say thanks again!