View Full Version : Winter touchups

10-21-2010, 08:14 AM
So, I`ve been thinking...rethinking my winter maintenance. I know there are a number of QD`s out there for carnauba, but the thought of dropping $10 - $25 for another bottle of water with a small amount of protectant in it almost makes me ill. My usual after-wash routine is to use a couple sprays of QD on a damp MF while I soak up water on the paint surface believing that the QD helps to replenish whatever LSP is there and lessen the chance of marring.

But here is a new thought. Why not use a few drops of LSP on that same damp MF and refresh the LSP as you dry. I typically use Collinite 476 or 915 and am thinking of using a few drops of their 845IW to freshen up my LSP after a wash. Before I place an order for IW I thought I would ask the forum. Any thoughts other than possible streaking?

10-21-2010, 10:25 AM
umm...I don`t know about AS you dry...but if you dry then spritz some 845 and then wipe/buff then I can see it working (though you`re going to have to find a sprayer to use with the bottle.)

10-21-2010, 11:12 AM
TerryD- Welcome to Autopia!

One potential problem I can envision (note all those qualifications, it`s not like I think this`d be inevitable ;) ) is that LSPs need more aggressive buffing than water/QD. So any residual dirt will be more likely to cause marring.

With a good base of Collinite on there (I`d refresh the final coat right before winter really hits), I`d just do the QD-while-drying and then redo it come spring. I`ve never had my Collinite fail before winter was over and I`ve used it during some pretty nasty winters.

10-21-2010, 11:39 AM
Thanks Accumulator! I hadn`t thought of micro-marring. That is a very good point. I guess I didn`t realize the 845 would require so much buffing. When I apply 476 or 915 it`s so thin I have to look twice to see if there is a haze. Just a couple light drags with a moistened applicator across the tin gives me enough wax to do 1/2 a hood, or usually a panel, and it comes off real easy.

I`ve been using Mothers Reflections spray wax as a QD when drying and I feel it adds some lubrication while drying. But with it being a synthetic I know it won`t adhere well to the Collinite. It does seem to spread out just fine though. Just a spritz or two on the microfiber per panel.