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10-12-2010, 03:54 PM
I have been washing my new car once a week and continue to plan to for how long I dont know.. Do you guys think its overkill to wash your car once a week?? How often do you guys wash your cars?? Is once every two weeks ok??

10-12-2010, 04:04 PM
I have been washing my new car once a week and continue to plan to for how long I dont know.. Do you guys think its overkill to wash your car once a week?? How often do you guys wash your cars?? Is once every two weeks ok??

You live in So. CA, you could probably just use QD once in a while except for the twice a year it rains. I wash mine when it`s dirty... in the summer that might be every two weeks. In the winter it may be 4 times a week. YMMV.


10-12-2010, 04:07 PM
I have been washing my new car once a week and continue to plan to for how long I dont know.. Do you guys think its overkill to wash your car once a week?? How often do you guys wash your cars?? Is once every two weeks ok??

no, not at all. i only wash my car once a week because it`s in the garage and doesn`t get as dirty quick, otherwise i would probably wash it at least twice a week if it sat outside. of course, it depends on the area that you live in as well...

10-12-2010, 04:36 PM
I have been washing my new car once a week and continue to plan to for how long I dont know.. Do you guys think its overkill to wash your car once a week?? How often do you guys wash your cars?? Is once every two weeks ok??

For me, and not trying to be a wise guy, I wash a vehicle when I think it is dirty enough that it needs to be washed. For me, a little dust or light residue is ok.

So, sometimes that is a month between washes (for example if it does not rain for weeks); other times only a week or two between washes.

The way I figure it, the fewer times I am rubbing the paint (even with the best of materials and cleaners), the better.

I will do spot touch ups, as and when needed, to get rid of crud like dead bugs and bird bombs in between washing, to keep that stuff from creating marks in the paint. I use a QD and MF towel for that.

10-13-2010, 11:15 AM
For me, and not trying to be a wise guy, I wash a vehicle when I think it is dirty enough that it needs to be washed. For me, a little dust or light residue is ok..

That`s the way I see it too.

I`ve done the weekly thing, and even washed one Porsche daily when I was using it as a year-round commuter (think "Ohio winter"). Pretty much washed my Jag every time I drove it for a few years. But life`s short and it`s not a car show; I have better things to do than wash a car that doesn`t look dirty.

I won`t even post how long I might let something go between washes, but let`s just say that it`d be more of my Autopian Heresy :o I *will* clean the wheels if they`re really nasty though, and I clean the windshields almost daily. The dog-haulers get any drooled-on glass cleaned immediately after I get home, and any other messes they make get done at the same time. But regular washes....not until the vehicle really needs it.

10-14-2010, 12:00 PM
That`s the way I see it too.

I won`t even post how long I might let something go between washes, but let`s just say that it`d be more of my Autopian Heresy :o I *will* clean the wheels if they`re really nasty though, and I clean the windshields almost daily. But regular washes....not until the vehicle really needs it.

based on this i would only need to wash my wheels weekly and the car monthly as long as it doesn`t rain.

10-14-2010, 12:02 PM
based on this i would only need to wash my wheels weekly and the car monthly as long as it doesn`t rain.

Right. As long as you don`t mind a film of dust/etc. (and don`t have to worry about somebody brushing against a dirty car, resulting in marring). I`ve gone longer than a month plenty of times.

10-14-2010, 12:28 PM
I find that more frequent washing reduces the amount of bonded surface contaminants which accumulate on the car. The longer the dirt sits on the car the more likely it won`t come off with normal washing, resulting in the need for clay bar.

IMO a weekly washing is perfect. Just make sure you are using quality wash media and proper washing techniques.


10-14-2010, 05:51 PM
I would say as long as you wash your car properly no reason not to do it once a week. Its funny, ever since I started detailing I have been washing my cars less and less, I use to do it around once a week.

10-14-2010, 10:09 PM
about once a week unless i have night out

10-15-2010, 03:39 AM
I have been washing my new car once a week and continue to plan to for how long I dont know.. Do you guys think its overkill to wash your car once a week?? How often do you guys wash your cars?? Is once every two weeks ok??

Depends on which country, which region within that country, and possibly even which locality within that region:dance.

My daily driver is washed every 2-3days.

10-15-2010, 11:20 AM
I find that more frequent washing reduces the amount of bonded surface contaminants which accumulate on the car. The longer the dirt sits on the car the more likely it won`t come off with normal washing, resulting in the need for clay bar...

No arguement with that! Though I find that some stuff (e.g., FK1000P) sheds dirt so well that it`s not really an issue. Guess that depends on what kind of [stuff] gets on the car in question though :think:

Rob Tomlin
10-17-2010, 11:41 AM
Is washing a car once a week "overkill"? You`ve got to be kidding!

I must say that I am rather flabbergasted at some of the replies that I am seeing here. This is a detailing forum, where the majority of discussions are about how to *keep* our vehicles looking the very best that they can look, and people here talk about washing their car once a month?! Wow! :eek:

Heck, I can barely hold out for an entire week before wanting to wash my car again because of the dust build up from normal driving.

10-17-2010, 12:26 PM
Rob Tomlin- Heh heh, I`ve sometimes thought I should change my "Practical Perfectionist" to "Autopian Heretic" :D But I guess that in my mind it`s sorta the same thing; being "practical" about it means it`s not something I go nuts over..gotta prioritze and all sorts of stuff is far more important to me.

I honestly look back on the days when I washed my vehicles all the time as being a lot of wasted time that could`ve been better-spent.

You and I just view this stuff differently, which is perfectly cool with me :cool:

I was just thinking about this earlier today...I hope that everyone who`s keeping their car "carshow ready" is also keeping all the other [stuff] in their life at the same level. I really mean it when I opine that "life is not a car show".

Rob Tomlin
10-17-2010, 03:40 PM
Rob Tomlin- Heh heh, I`ve sometimes thought I should change my "Practical Perfectionist" to "Autopian Heretic" :D But I guess that in my mind it`s sorta the same thing; being "practical" about it means it`s not something I go nuts over..gotta prioritze and all sorts of stuff is far more important to me.

I honestly look back on the days when I washed my vehicles all the time as being a lot of wasted time that could`ve been better-spent.

You and I just view this stuff differently, which is perfectly cool with me :cool:

I was just thinking about this earlier today...I hope that everyone who`s keeping their car "carshow ready" is also keeping all the other [stuff] in their life at the same level. I really mean it when I opine that "life is not a car show".

Says the guy with 27,480 posts!!
