View Full Version : Pad priming w/glaze

10-12-2010, 11:52 AM
Do I need to do any pad priming what so ever when I use a new/dry pad to apply glaze? (RMG, Chemical Guys EX creme). I`m using a PC.

- Should I mist the dry pad with QD? Water?

- Should I prime the dry pad with glaze like similar to the KB method?

- Should I not prime it at all and simply spread the glaze on the surface of the vehicle and start up the PC?


10-12-2010, 12:10 PM
IMO you`re even remotely concerned about what the pad in question might do to the paint when dry, then I`d prime it by either evenly distributing the product or using some QD that won`t cause any issues (not all QDs might be OK partners with all glazes). Some pads won`t cause any problems if spun dry against certain paints, but I`d sure hate to induce micromarring at that point in the detail.

I`ve never used any of the newfangled glazes available these days, but when I use my Meg`s stuff I generally prep the pad by sorta like-KBM-priming with product.

10-12-2010, 12:31 PM
I`ve never used any of the newfangled glazes available these days, but when I use my Meg`s stuff I generally prep the pad by sorta like-KBM-priming with product.

That was my plan - not that I knew it was the right thing to do - only because it seemed the most logical.
