View Full Version : Any idea what these spots are?

Iguana Man
10-10-2010, 02:31 PM
My neighbors 350Z has a plethora of these spots which do not wash off. I had him wash the car with dish soap first, then I gave him some of my Zymol auto wash soap to use. We even tried some WD40, but nothing is removing these spots. I`d say 80% of the spots are on the roof which led me to think it may have been windshield washer fluid that got baked on but the spots are circular so unless he used the wipers after he parked, they wouldn`t be circular.

Anyhow. I`m not wondering if these are water spots but he and I both use the same water and I`ve never had this problem with my R32. But, I`m not sure if he washes his car in the shade and wipes it dry like I always do so maybe they are water spots?

Also, I`m not sure if this is relevant but he has used a power washer on this car before. I`ve told him more than once not to but he feels that it wont do any harm because he keeps the nozzle a good 2` away.

Here are two pics, one of the roof and one of the right front fender. If anyone can identify these spots I`d appreciate it as well as any solutions to getting these spots removed.

Thanks in advance,


Iguana Man
10-10-2010, 02:33 PM
Hmm. Looks like I`m having some issues uploading the two pics. Bear with me please.

EDITED: I guess new posts with pics need to be checked by the Mods first. I`ll try again later. :)

10-10-2010, 02:53 PM
A power washer is safe to use on your car as long as you do it correctly. Pictures would be very helpful to see what we`re dealing with as soon as they get approved. :)

Iguana Man
10-10-2010, 04:02 PM
To be honest, I`m not sure I even uploaded the two pics. I`m unfamiliar with the upload process here and may have fluxnored it.

Would a Mod be kind enough to let me know if I did or didn`t upload the two pics? I promise they aren`t pics of my sister. :)

10-10-2010, 05:11 PM
you can just use image shack takes about 10 seconds to upload a picture then you just post the link

Iguana Man
10-10-2010, 05:27 PM
Ok. Here`s the two pics.

Yfrog Image : yfrog.com/mt350zroofspotsj - Uploaded by Iguana_Man (http://yfrog.com/mt350zroofspotsj)

Yfrog Image : yfrog.com/mt350zfenderspotsj - Uploaded by Iguana_Man (http://yfrog.com/mt350zfenderspotsj)

Iguana Man
10-10-2010, 05:31 PM
It just hit me in my Football watching stupor that maybe those are sap marks that his power washer removed but not totally?

10-10-2010, 05:57 PM
did you try clay baring? Or scratch X by hand?

10-10-2010, 05:58 PM
Could be. If they aren`t coming of with just washing, trying claying to see if they get removed. If not, you will need to polish them out.

10-10-2010, 07:29 PM
They look too big to be sap marks, they look like water spots to me.

Iguana Man
10-11-2010, 07:51 AM
After further review I don`t think they are from sap. So I take it using a clay bar would seem to be the next logical step?

10-11-2010, 10:10 AM
After further review I don`t think they are from sap. So I take it using a clay bar would seem to be the next logical step?

If claying doesn`t work:

1. Full strength white vinegar. Kepp those spots wet with vinegar for 5mins. Wash with shampoo and rinse thoroughly. You`ll need to re-polish and re-LSP.

2. Same as above, but with full strength APC.

3. Same as above, but with a cleaner wax.

If the above fail, then you might need the rotary buffer.

10-11-2010, 12:53 PM
If claying doesn`t work:

1. Full strength white vinegar. Kepp those spots wet with vinegar for 5mins. Wash with shampoo and rinse thoroughly. You`ll need to re-polish and re-LSP.

2. Same as above, but with full strength APC.

3. Same as above, but with a cleaner wax.

If the above fail, then you might need the rotary buffer.

Since I expect Iguana Man doesn`t have/know from using a rotary, my suggestion is just a little different. Noting that I`m no expert on OTC stuff, I think a practical-for-the-layman approach might be along these lines:

If the first thee don`t work I`d probably suggest a dedicated paint cleaner (OTC choice = Meguiar`s Deep Crystal Step #1 Cleaner) and if that didn`t work I`d try Meg`s Scratch-X v2.0 and if that didn`t work I`d try their Ultimate Compound.

If those don`t work (by hand), then I`d consult with a *GOOD* pro.

Iguana Man
10-12-2010, 01:48 PM
Gigondaz & Accumulator, forgive me but I know not what APC & LSP mean. :(

Shampoo = Car soap like Zymol or Head & Shoulders? (I`m ignorant but somehow doubt you mean Head & Shoulders)

EDITED: Never mind fellas, I found the acronym decoder. :)

10-13-2010, 10:47 AM
Iguana Man- Heh heh, welcome to the mysterious world of Autopian abbreviations! Sorry, I`m about as bad as people get when it comes to using that kind of shorthand :o Please don`t hesitate to ask if something doesn`t show up in the decoder, or if we can otherwise clarify this stuff.