View Full Version : books/movies

01-28-2006, 05:57 PM
Like everyone else I am alwyas looking for new ways of doing things, recently my freind sugested I take a course on detailing but after reserching it I relised I would need to spend 5g on a trip, and I dont have that right now. However when I was looking I noticed books and movies ranging from 30-400 bucks and was wondering if these would be anygood. If so any sugestions? Thnkx for the help

01-28-2006, 06:09 PM
This is for what it is worth department . If you want to learn something Jngrbrdman is a DC member and has a site with a lot of information on it. It is free but there is a donotion area if you feel that you have recieved something but it is not required. Check it out and see what you can learn.http://www.ocdetails.com/

01-28-2006, 06:11 PM
Thank you

01-28-2006, 06:54 PM
I don`t think you need to spend that much money to get the skills that you need for detailing. I agree with cwcad. Check out the site he has linked for you, and you will gather lots of information. Visiting DC will also answer many if not all questions you will have. Detailing is something that I learned by trial and error, and I`m still learning new things everyday. As far is the proper tools and products go I would take money from one detail and purchase the next item I wanted or needed. When I started off I done all of my work by hand, but soon as the cash started coming in I got a PC and went from there. If I would have waited until I came up with five thousands dollars I would still be waiting. Start off with your vehicle and maybe some family and friend`s cars. Good luck

01-28-2006, 11:04 PM
i learned by reading & researching... also a mixture of some adams instructional videos mixed with the better car care videos that are on line & the Autopia reviews. . I think autopia now has the right to show the meguiars videos. :yay

01-31-2006, 02:10 AM
this is a really good forum if you want to learn alot about detailing. im pretty sure this forum has covered every subject that has to do with detailing. the search function is a helpful tool. just search for the topic you want to know about and read on.