View Full Version : How should I fix this? *pics inside*

09-22-2010, 07:09 PM
So I`m picking up my buddy`s 2001 BRP 2.5RS. I`m getting it for a very good price, but it needs some paintwork. Obviously the hood and front bumper will need repainted, but the quarter panels are not bad enough that I am going to spend the money to get them repainted. So my question is: how do I fix the bubbled up clearcoat on the quarter panels? I assume I sand off the pealing clear, but then what do I do? How should I use the touch up paint?


09-22-2010, 07:11 PM
Any attempts at fixing that will only make it worse. Once clear starts to peel, you are pretty much SOL.

09-22-2010, 07:14 PM
Hmm I can`t use any combination of touch up, clear coat, and sanding to make it any better?

09-22-2010, 08:56 PM
do you have a touch up gun? you`ll need to sand paint and clear, not to mention blend it into the existing paint. not a very easy task if you`ve never do this type of work.

09-22-2010, 11:32 PM
No I don`t. I just want it to be less noticeable. It sticks out because it`s dull. It doesn`t have to be perfect.

09-27-2010, 12:31 AM
If I were in your shoes I would consider at least attempting the diy route. Start with one of the smaller areas to see if it looks good enough. Here is a list of the `01 impreza colors 2001 Subaru Impreza Touch Up Paint Colors (http://www.automotivetouchup.com/choosecolor/choosecolor.aspx?year=2001&make=Subaru&model=Impreza&search.x=50&search.y=4) - there are also some directions on the site. You could save a couple hundred dollars. Of course, if you have the money, you`ll probably be more happy with the result of a shop especially if this is your first time. You may knock it out of the park though, who knows!