View Full Version : So I`m stuck in a situation , need your advice

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08-17-2010, 10:28 AM
Ok so,

Last month I bought a brand new 2011 Ford Mustang. I bought all new clothes, spunges, car wash, wax, it all for the new ride. But my problem is, I just moved into my new apartment complex and there is no where available to wash cars.

There is only 2 sides of the complex that have roads going along it, But one is a main street with tons of traffic, and the other street is all RED fire lane. I can park in the red for a 10-15 minutes I`m sure without any problems. But there is no where to hook up a hose, I looked already.

I do not want to take my new ride to a car wash because of obvious reasons. So please don`t reply, "Take it to the car wash"...

So, Has anyone else experienced a situation like this? and if so, what was your solution to getting to wash your vehicle?

08-17-2010, 10:44 AM
Dreamtheory- Welcome to Autopia!

I used to have (rent/lease/own) garages where I could do my car stuff, maybe you can find one in your area at an affordable price.

I tried doing stuff at the DIY wash, but some of this takes a lot of time and you can`t really tie up a stall for all that long.

OR...while it might sound extreme, move to some place more conducive to keeping your car nice.

Heh heh, [Insert good-natured lecture here about moving into apartment without figuring out the detailing first] ;)

08-17-2010, 11:18 AM
Taking it to a "do-it-yourself" wash is really your best option IMO. I did it for years and still do it in the winter. I fill a 5gal bucket with soapy water, with lid, and off to the car wash I go. You really have to go late at night though or early in the morning when it`s not busy. The ones by me run 24/7 which is nice. Use the rinse only setting and it shouldn`t cost you more than $4-5.

08-17-2010, 11:22 AM
^ thanks much =)

I was actually just thinking about going to a DIY wash and just paying the money to use the water, and i would just bring all my own stuff. I would not dare use anything from there other than the water and maybe the spray for soap, but then i gotta rub it down to actually get a quality job out of it.

I don`t really care about tying up one spot for a while because last time i went to one of those (Pre 2011 Mustang) with my 2007 F-150, I didn`t see any signs about any MAX TIME limits or anything...

As for the lecture on moving into an apartment with a possibility of a place to clean my car. Every place i check (which was about 35-40 apartments that I actually visited) None of which had any location to wash your cars. I would ask the leasing agents and they would say "No, sorry you have to take it to a car wash or find somewhere else"

So yeah I actually tried, believe me. But here in SoCal car washing isn`t on the apartment complex`s list of things to do >_<

08-17-2010, 11:23 AM
Taking it to a "do-it-yourself" wash is really your best option IMO. I did it for years and still do it in the winter. I fill a 5gal bucket with soapy water, with lid, and off to the car wash I go. You really have to go late at night though or early in the morning when it`s not busy. The ones by me run 24/7 which is nice. Use the rinse only setting and it shouldn`t cost you more than $4-5.

exaclty! I guess the DIY is the best option atm, thanks for your reply as well =)

08-17-2010, 11:51 AM
Optimum No Rinse aka ONR. I wash my car inside my garage all the time.

08-17-2010, 12:02 PM
Optimum No Rinse aka ONR. I wash my car inside my garage all the time.

I was just told on another forum about this or another product like it. Some rinse-less wash that somehow does make any of the dirt scratch or anything

So its just a product in a spray bottle? and you just Point > Spray > Wipe ?

08-17-2010, 12:17 PM
I was just told on another forum about this or another product like it. Some rinse-less wash that somehow does make any of the dirt scratch or anything

So its just a product in a spray bottle? and you just Point > Spray > Wipe ?

Nope, a rinseless wash, although I have used it diluted to clay lube strength as a spray-on/wipe-off. Works good as long as the vehicle isn`t too grungy.

No Rinse Wash and Shine (http://www.optimumcarcare.com/onrwns.htm)

A spray-on/wipe-off product I like is Poorboy`s World Spray & Wipe. I dilute it 50/50 and it works as well as full strength, IME. Nice clay lube too. In SoCal you aren`t dealing with winter-dirty salt, grime and crud so I`d think either of these options would work for you. On the occasions the car is cruddy or you really want to flush out the wheel wells you`re gonna have to bite the bullet and head to the car wash at off-hours.


08-17-2010, 12:44 PM
Nope, a rinseless wash, although I have used it diluted to clay lube strength as a spray-on/wipe-off. Works good as long as the vehicle isn`t too grungy.

No Rinse Wash and Shine (http://www.optimumcarcare.com/onrwns.htm)

A spray-on/wipe-off product I like is Poorboy`s World Spray & Wipe. I dilute it 50/50 and it works as well as full strength, IME. Nice clay lube too. In SoCal you aren`t dealing with winter-dirty salt, grime and crud so I`d think either of these options would work for you. On the occasions the car is cruddy or you really want to flush out the wheel wells you`re gonna have to bite the bullet and head to the car wash at off-hours.


Thanks for the response, the link, and the info. I`m still learning all these products, so every little bit of info and links really help me take better care of my cars =)

08-17-2010, 12:56 PM
I was just told on another forum about this or another product like it. Some rinse-less wash that somehow does make any of the dirt scratch or anything

So its just a product in a spray bottle? and you just Point > Spray > Wipe ?

Just to a search here for ONR, there are countless threads. IMO, the sprays are not nearly as fool proof as ONR and are more expensive per use. ONR is time proven, paint safe and doesn`t react with any LSP, in fact its paint ready afterwards.

08-17-2010, 01:11 PM
well i just went to the search menu and searched ALL POSTS and TITLES ONLY for "ONR"

Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

08-17-2010, 01:18 PM
I was actually just thinking about going to a DIY wash and just paying the money to use the water, and i would just bring all my own stuff. I would not dare use anything from there other than the water and maybe the spray for soap, but then i gotta rub it down to actually get a quality job out of it.

I don`t really care about tying up one spot for a while because last time i went to one of those (Pre 2011 Mustang) with my 2007 F-150, I didn`t see any signs about any MAX TIME limits or anything...

If your concern is inducing swirls and paint defects, then don`t use the foam brush. Other than that, you can use anything that comes out of the wand. Rinse, soap, wax (which is actually really a drying agent to prevent water spots), etc. Triple foam soap / polish is also fine to use.

I`d be careful about tying up a bay if you`re washing by hand, especially if it`s busy. Understand that a car wash is a business, you washing by hand isn`t generating the car wash any revenue, and if you`re making other customers wait, you will eventually get kicked out. It`d be the same thing like saying you`re going to make your own sandwich at home, then go to Applebee`s to sit and eat it, but you might order a soft drink or coffee. I`m not trying to come off rude here, just saying, it`s something to keep in mind. Personally, I`d go later at night (10pm or later), when generally car washes aren`t busy and occupying a bay isn`t a big deal.

08-17-2010, 01:19 PM
well i just went to the search menu and searched ALL POSTS and TITLES ONLY for "ONR"

Right on the home page: http://www.autopia.org/forum/content/138-onr-definitive-thread.html

I`ve been using rinseless washes for 17 years now, starting with Protect All`s Quick and Easy Wash, and then switched to ONR when it came out due to better cleaning ability and how it gives the paint noticeably more gloss and slickness. Very economical way to wash a vehicle and once you`ve used it a few time, faster than washing with a hose and conventional car wash soap. Plus, since you wash a section at a time and dry it, no water spots or drying streaks.

08-17-2010, 01:22 PM
If your concern is inducing swirls and paint defects, then don`t use the foam brush. Other than that, you can use anything that comes out of the wand. Rinse, soap, wax (which is actually really a drying agent to prevent water spots), etc. Triple foam soap / polish is also fine to use.

I`d be careful about tying up a bay if you`re washing by hand, especially if it`s busy. Understand that a car wash is a business, you washing by hand isn`t generating the car wash any revenue, and if you`re making other customers wait, you will eventually get kicked out. It`d be the same thing like saying you`re going to make your own sandwich at home, then go to Applebee`s to sit and eat it, but you might order a soft drink or coffee. I`m not trying to come off rude here, just saying, it`s something to keep in mind. Personally, I`d go later at night (10pm or later), when generally car washes aren`t busy and occupying a bay isn`t a big deal.

I`m not that big of a ****, I wouldn`t take much longer than any other person there, And i would be using there water and maybe spot free rinse, which is all the same price, $2.00 / 4 minutes or what not. So not like I`m pulling up to take a spot and not give them my money. oh and here in SoCal at least in orange county all the places never have an attendant there so i couldn`t get kicked out even if i did what you mentioned lol

But any ways, I`ll probably try to locate a DIY wash near me tonight and give it a go after work... i just need to buy a bucket, its the one thing i forgot to buy lol

08-17-2010, 01:31 PM
I`m not that big of a ****, I wouldn`t take much longer than any other person there, And i would be using there water and maybe spot free rinse, which is all the same price, $2.00 / 4 minutes or what not. So not like I`m pulling up to take a spot and not give them my money. oh and here in SoCal at least in orange county all the places never have an attendant there so i couldn`t get kicked out even if i did what you mentioned lol

But any ways, I`ll probably try to locate a DIY wash near me tonight and give it a go after work... i just need to buy a bucket, its the one thing i forgot to buy lol

Again, I wasn`t trying to be rude, just saying, lol, I`d seen a good amount of people just take up a bay for 20 or 30min and never put any money in the coin box, simply sponge and use the "throw a bucket of dirty water on my car to rinse" method. I always like going later in the evening, no one is ever around and you don`t feel pressured by the lineup behind you waiting for you to finish.