View Full Version : OH FUDGE - What did I do and what TO DO?

08-14-2010, 08:03 PM
Hey guys, well long time lurker... first time poster.

I broke a hell of alot of detailing rules with this fiasco.. but heres the scoop. Hopefully the brain trust can help me out of this jam.

I took delivery of a brand new 2010 Honda Fit about 2 weeks ago. Last week I gave her a bath and then a HEAVY application of Klasse AIO. I used WAY to much I know, put it on.. then had to take care of my 2 yr old son, about a hour went by and now its about 10pm.. time to take it off, im in a rush so I busted out a brand new mequires foam polishing ball, slapped it on my drill and went to town taking it off. Looked great till the next day and in the sun it looks like swirl marks galore.

So in summary.

It seems the car came from the lot with a coat of wax on it.

I did a wash with microfiber mit - went very easy.

Applied a TON of Klasse AIO - it dried for about a hour

Buffed it off quick and dirty with a mequires foam ball which was slightly damp from little bits of water from the wash earlier from crevices in the car.

Now it looks like this - literally over the entire car.


So what am I looking at here and what to do? DOH! :think:

08-14-2010, 08:18 PM
if you do not own a DA, now is the time to get one (i`ve said it a million times, everyone should own at least one). there are several to choose from (PCXP, G110v2, GG6, Flex3401).

here`s some videos to check out...

Car Detailing videos - How to detail, polish and wax your Car (http://paintcarendetailing.com/video.html)

08-14-2010, 08:25 PM
yea...umm not really sure why you used the ball for your car--isn`t that made for wheels?

Looks like these are one of those times where the DA and polish possibly compound/polish would come in handy?

08-14-2010, 08:38 PM
Well the ball is supposedly used for paint - here is a pic (mine is red but same thing).


So what kind of damage did I do? Are these swirl marks in the finish or could it be a the ton of Klasse spread all over the place?

Agreed on the DA, im looking into one now. What steps and product should I use to remedy this mess?

08-14-2010, 09:05 PM
Agreed on the DA, im looking into one now. What steps and product should I use to remedy this mess?

check out post #2...


you can also purchase the megs ultimate compound and swirlx (they are like consumer versions of M105 and M205) at your local walmart and give them a test spot by hand on that door. tape a little box about 1` x 1` and use a round foam applicator pad. you can also use these products with the DA as well...

08-14-2010, 09:14 PM
Well the ball is supposedly used for paint - here is a pic (mine is red but same thing).


So what kind of damage did I do? Are these swirl marks in the finish or could it be a the ton of Klasse spread all over the place?

Agreed on the DA, im looking into one now. What steps and product should I use to remedy this mess?

Tbh.. That question would prolly be better answered by one of the more seasoned guys but imo I think if I didn`t get feed back from the sages I`d see about making sure it`s not some kind of product left behind? Lol unlikely but...figured worth a shot..

If you work in the sun the new optimum hyper compound amd polish sprays seem to be getting good reviews

Setec Astronomy
08-14-2010, 10:36 PM
Well, it would seem that you have AIO residue or you marred the car all up from dry buffing with the foam ball. Not sure what you mean by a "meguires" foam ball but I`m presuming you are talking about the Mother`s red Powerball. What`s the easy way to tell if it`s residue or marring? Go back over an area with the Klasse AIO (not so much this time), and wipe it immediately with a good quality MF cloth. If it`s residue it should come off, if it`s marring it won`t. For future reference, use a very small amount of AIO, and wipe it off immediately, no waiting time is required--if you put it on heavy and let it sit a long time, it will be very difficult to remove.

08-15-2010, 04:51 AM
The majority of the "damage" you did is more than likely superficial and can be easily corrected. It almost looks like there`s still a residue of some sort remaining and could be left over Klasse AIO. I say "looks like" because you mention that you also used a foam polishing ball to remove it. Try doing one panel a section at a time. Apply a "thin" coat of product and buff using a Microfiber towel. If this does not improve the situation then you`ll need a DA polisher, like the ones mentioned above.

Here`s what you`ll need,

DA polisher

Menzerna PO85RD Polish - a fine polish

Lake Country 5 1/2 inch gray foam pads - for polish

Pinnacle Liquid Souverän Wax - a liquid wax

Lake Country 5 1/2 inch red foam pads - for wax

Take your time and the car will look better than when it left the dealer. If you don`t want to do it yourself then take it to a reputable detailer near you.