View Full Version : Glass care?

08-09-2010, 05:03 PM
I have noticed that many people get their glass to be as shiny as the rest of the vehicle. How is this done? Do you use the same products on the glass as on the rest of the vehicle? Are there any streaking issues as far as the windshield wipers go? Thanks in advance for the replies.


08-10-2010, 09:23 AM
The windshield is a somewhat forgotten area on a car and while some may find this hard to believe it needs care as well.

Glass is hard, very hard and there are very few products out there that do little more than clean it. I on the other hand clay my windshield twice annually to remove any debris that might be stuck to it. For the most part I use Stoners Invisible Glass Cleaner. A few squirts of this in combination with a Microfiber Glass cloth leaves a streak-free crystal clear shine. If the surface is very dirty, then I`ll give it an initial cleaning with Stoners Invisible Glass Cleaner using a paper towel as not to gunk up a nice Microfiber cloth. Occasionally I`ll give it a thin coat of my favorite wax, yes wax, then buff until shinny.

Wipers too need attention and should be kept clean as well. Wipers become covered in dust and grit that if not removed with score the glass with its fine particles. Clean your wiper blades every time you wash the vehicle or when you notice they`ve become dirty.

08-11-2010, 07:22 AM
Great advice. Claying the glass along with cleaning it will definitely make a difference if there are bonded contaminants that need to be removed. The smoother and cleaner the glass is, the shinier it will appear. An application of Aquapel will make future cleaning easier too.

08-11-2010, 08:15 AM
I`ll bet that put a good sealent such as Zaino on it wont hurt with future cleaning jobs.

08-11-2010, 10:55 AM
Note that today`s autoglass is generally quite a bit softer than it was back in the day. Note also that the windshield is made of different stuff than the side glass.

I used to use (very fine) steel wool and regular metal razor blades on glass all the time, but now I avoid metal-on-glass contact as much as possible.

08-12-2010, 01:54 PM
I am assuming Aquapel is something that is somewhat similar to Rain-X? So if I am understanding correctly, a thin layer of wax/ sealant would be a good idea. I wouldn`t use Aquapel and a wax together would I?

08-12-2010, 02:19 PM
Yes similar to Rain X No don`t use them together.

I am assuming Aquapel is something that is somewhat similar to Rain-X? So if I am understanding correctly, a thin layer of wax/ sealant would be a good idea. I wouldn`t use Aquapel and a wax together would I?