View Full Version : Chopper Detail by PresidentialDetails.Com A fun one here!

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Barry Theal
08-08-2010, 06:32 PM

Pres·i·den·tial (prz-dnshl)

adj. Of or relating to a president or presidency

De·tails (d-tls, dtls)

[I]1.To provide with artistic or decorative detail:

2.With attention to particulars; thoroughly or meticulously

Hi Everyone, its been a while since I posted something. One of my clients asked me to detail his chopper. Im not really sure about the year of the exact brand. What I do know is that this particular bike was hand built somewhere in Arizona. I knew the bike was coming to the shop at one point it was a matter of scheduling it in between the owners busy schedule and mine. Life has been good here since the opening of the new shop. Lots of work and and even found a great guy to help me out during the week. To many things going on and I haven’t had a chance to post much at all let alone even a write up. I got probably about 30 cars I could do write ups on, but considering time restraints and such I thought I give this nice little project a thread. Anyways the bike came to me after an oil leak and it was all over the right rear of the bike. I must say it didn’t come off all that easy either. Here is how it came.



Here is a close up of the wheel, here you can really see how bad the oil was.


The bike was hand washed and the majority of the rear end was sprayed down some APC to break down the oil all over the back of the bike. It was a stubborn task, but accomplished nicely.


The paints condition really wasn’t bad at all, but this clear was rock hard and what normally would come out with Menzerna 85RD didn’t this time. I ended up doing with M105 on a Griots Garage Polisher and a Cyan 5.5 Lake Country Hydrofoam pad. Some tighter area’s were hit with a pc7424 and a 3M purple 3 inch pad. I then went over it with M205 and an Tangerine 5.5 Lake Hydrofoam pad. With tigher areas gone ove with a pc 7424 and a 3 inch yellow foam pad. ( Generic Brand ) Works really well though. Although not needed I finished the entire bike with Menzerna 85RD and a 3 inch black 3M polishing pad on a PC7424.





Here she is all polished out looking sexy in red!


Here I began to warm the hide up before conditioning the leather. Then the leather was feed by hand.



So I did a test spot on the chrome light head light, my goal was to get a great finish and see how far I needed to go with the metal. After a good machine polishing it really brighten up!!



The finished result! Took a little, but the process was set!


At this point I sat back and thought to myself. Holy **** its gonna be another long day there was a lot of chrome. I decided it was best to start from the front wheel and work back.


Here is how some of the pieces turned out.









Polishing out the plate holder!


After some metal polishing my arms had some residual on them! The task at hand was complete.


The only part the was dressed were the plug wires. I didn’t dress the tires for obvious reasons and the nicely matte Natural dressed wires looked good on all the metal. Look closely you can see a sneak peak of Presidential Details biggest project! Will be here soon. A little plug in you could say!


Here are a few close ups all finished in side. Nothing like a nice springer front end!!!






Then I took her out to get some shot outside. Dripping wet with Wolf Chemicals Nano Selant followed by yes 12 layers of Migliore Competizone.

AAAAAAAAHHHHH Some sun shots!



Some final outside shots!!





As always thanks for looking. I miss posting and write ups, but it has been real busy. I promise I’ll post some more shortly. Got some nice stuff coming in the next few weeks. As always thanks for looking.

Barry Theal

Presidential Details

Lancaster PA

Thomas Dekany
08-08-2010, 06:57 PM
Love it Barry - love the bike as well, but hate doing bikes. :D

08-08-2010, 07:56 PM
Killer work Barry. Quite an amazing turn around.

08-08-2010, 08:09 PM
What a killer write up! Beautiful bike, and I love the border around the pics! great job Barry!

Buff Guys Auto
08-08-2010, 08:43 PM
really nice barry

08-08-2010, 08:44 PM
Very VERY nice job!

Loving the subtle HDR as well!

08-08-2010, 09:33 PM
Maximum sweet!

08-09-2010, 12:00 AM
I acutally did a bike a couple weeks ago and loved working on them. You really are a true professional! Not only do you have a lot of detail in your work, but in your write ups. You put borders around your pics and have a description of your name. You hit the nail on the head with your name... Presidential Details

08-09-2010, 12:27 AM
Badass in every way, bike detail, writeup!

08-09-2010, 03:34 AM
sick barry . . . . . that bik looks amazing. Would you mind spilling your process on the chrome? I always wondered how to go about polishing chrome or even polished aluminum besides using just your hand. Using a DA looks like it works a lot better and a lot quicker.

08-09-2010, 06:31 AM
Beautiful job Barry....That thing has a ton of chrome !!!!

Barry Theal
08-09-2010, 08:40 AM
Love it Barry - love the bike as well, but hate doing bikes. :D

Thanks Thomas yea it was more work then i had thought.

Killer work Barry. Quite an amazing turn around.

Thanks John this was quite the bike!

What a killer write up! Beautiful bike, and I love the border around the pics! great job Barry!

Thanks Buddy! Pm sent

really nice barry

Thanks Man

Very VERY nice job!

Loving the subtle HDR as well!

Thanks alot Luke, yea I like to play with the camera and this bike had a lot of nice areas to get some pictures

Maximum sweet!

Thanks man!

I acutally did a bike a couple weeks ago and loved working on them. You really are a true professional! Not only do you have a lot of detail in your work, but in your write ups. You put borders around your pics and have a description of your name. You hit the nail on the head with your name... Presidential Details

Thank you kindly sir

Badass in every way, bike detail, writeup!

Thanks Dave, seen your bmw thread. boy that one looked like a lot of fun man.

sick barry . . . . . that bik looks amazing. Would you mind spilling your process on the chrome? I always wondered how to go about polishing chrome or even polished aluminum besides using just your hand. Using a DA looks like it works a lot better and a lot quicker.

I actually used a 3 inch pnuematic polisher. Its like a high speed with no random orbit. I finished the chrome and alluminum with a product called white diamond. Some of the chrome needed a compound and for that I used 105 and the same polisher on a 3 inch wool pad.

Beautiful job Barry....That thing has a ton of chrome !!!!

Thanks Pat. I may have an Aston Martin coming in that is gonna need some work if I get the job do you care to help? would love to meet you finally!

08-09-2010, 09:36 AM
awesome, plain awesome.

chrome looks great !!

08-09-2010, 11:47 AM
! Kleeeeen !!!!

08-09-2010, 11:56 AM
Slick finish.

How is the durability of the Migliore line?