View Full Version : Deep Gloss Auto Salon: 2010 CTS V in Black- Fastest Production Sedan

Deep Gloss Auto Salon
08-03-2010, 10:06 PM
Deep Gloss Auto Salon

2010 CTS V Sedan

Fastest Production Sedan.........

This has to be one of my all-time favorite sedans. It is just so menacing in a sophisticated way. The body lines on this machine are really fun to look at, angular but not overdone.

Paint Correction:

Menz. Power Finish / Cyan Hydro pads

Menz. 85rd / Crimson Hydro Pads


Duragloss PBA

Duragloss 111 (2 layers)

Duragloss Aqua Wax

Rims, Wheels & Arches:

Duragloss 902

Optimum Tire Gel

Opti Seal

CG Barebones


Surf City


Duragloss 501

Chrome Trim

Exhaust Tips:

Never Dull

CG Metal Shine


Optimum wipe down

Duragloss 265



Below is a Hi Def video of this job...

Thanks for looking!

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08-03-2010, 10:53 PM
I believe the Merc E63 is arguable faster from what I remember. But also for like twice the price lol. Great video either way.

08-03-2010, 11:40 PM
I believe the Merc E63 is arguable faster from what I remember. But also for like twice the price lol. Great video either way.

The newest E63 AMG is faster, yes.