View Full Version : keeping cats away from your car, for real

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07-08-2010, 08:00 AM
i live in an apartment complex with a parking garage, and for some reason we have a number or stray cats that live in the complex. when it`s summer time, it seems like the cats aren`t interested in sleeping on your cars (too hot), but when it`s winter time they love to get on your hood and scratch the ever living crap out of it.

i`m purchasing a new BMW this week and although i am moving in a couple of months, there is still the possibility of the cats getting on my car, and i`d like to minimize this risk if possible. i have read a few things online about how to keep cats away from cars, and wanted to ask you guys your opinion on these methods, if you have any experience with them, or what you think would be a good thing to try. please also remember i live in a parking garage and some of these methods are just too much trouble to do on a daily basis where i am constantly parking in a new spot.

1. sprinkle cayenne pepper around the car (limited success from researching)

2. put mothballs around the car or near the car (also limited success)

3. cup of ammonia under your car (smells like their urine and they hate that smell apparently)

4. CatStop (link below) - sets off a high-pitched noise when activated that keeps them away

CatStop® Motion-activated Outdoor Cat Deterrent - Contech Enterprises Inc. (http://www.contech-inc.com/products/catstop/)

#4 seems like the best choice, but simultaneously the problem with this is that when someone walks by your car in a garage, i bet the sensor is set off too. now it`s not a nuissance, since it`s inaudible to the human ear, but i bet it drains the 9 volt battery quickly.

does anyone have any experience with CatStop or any of the other methods (or different methods entirely)? thanks.

07-08-2010, 08:08 AM
Amazon.com: Customer Reviews (http://www.amazon.com/gp/community-content-search/results/ref=cm_srch_q_rtr/?query=car&search-alias=community-reviews&idx.asin=B0001A9TE2)

fyi this is the same product on amazon, i just searched user reviews for "car" and came up with these reviews.

07-08-2010, 08:11 AM
I was joking, but even if I wasn`t I`m surprised that offended people on here...

Yeah, I kinda figured, that`s just one of those topics where I have a zero-tolerance viewpoint.

07-08-2010, 08:13 AM
I was joking, but even if I wasn`t I`m surprised that offended people on here.

Yeah, I kinda figured, that`s just one of those topics where I have a zero-tolerance viewpoint.

07-08-2010, 08:14 AM
I prefer the electric fence

Brad B
07-08-2010, 09:16 AM
Removed it, sorry to those that I offended. I was joking, but even if I wasn`t I`m surprised that offended people on here. I`ll watch my mouth in the future lol.

Very cool of you. Thanks.

07-08-2010, 10:34 AM
EDIT: Removed. Sorry guys.

07-08-2010, 11:25 AM
schiddy- There is no way for me to overstate how offensive I find your post.

tuffluck- If the sonic repellant doesn`t work out, perhaps a carcover with one of those "scat mats" on it (the mild electric shock gizmos). Maybe once they got the idea they`d quit climbing on cars.

I myself would move. Yeah, seriously.

Brad B
07-08-2010, 11:30 AM
Ok guys, we are family oriented and humane around here. Please keep the thread in a positive light.

The Moderators

07-08-2010, 12:51 PM
I have a retro T-Bird. Cats in the neighborhood like the soft top in the wintertime, I guess it`s a little warmer than metal tops. It got so bad there was hair covering the entire top. I finally sprinkled cayenne pepper all over the top. Instant fix. I have to do it about every other month to keep them honest and off the top

07-08-2010, 02:20 PM
schiddy- There is no way for me to overstate how offensive I find your post.

Removed it, sorry to those that I offended. I was joking, but even if I wasn`t I`m surprised that offended people on here. I`ll watch my mouth in the future lol.

07-09-2010, 06:08 AM
Park in front of a Chinese restaurant. :)

07-09-2010, 09:54 AM
I have a retro T-Bird. Cats in the neighborhood like the soft top in the wintertime, I guess it`s a little warmer than metal tops. It got so bad there was hair covering the entire top. I finally sprinkled cayenne pepper all over the top. Instant fix. I have to do it about every other month to keep them honest and off the top

would it hurt to put cayenne pepper on a body panel like the hood? maybe in a cup and set it on the windshield area?

07-09-2010, 03:07 PM
It got so bad that I resorted to putting it on the hood area. I left it on for about 3-4 days and it didn`t hurt anything. I had about 4 coats of Zaino on at the time

07-10-2010, 12:53 PM
Slice up some lemons and stick them in a stocking (panty hose) and leave it near the front and back of your car... they won`t come near it. Oranges also work :). Citrus sends them running because it "burns" when they smell it (learned that from a vet).