View Full Version : one bucket to wash with and three to rinse

01-21-2006, 06:51 PM
Man... I miss my hose. I had a pipe crack that leads to my outdoor water supply, so I am temporarily unable to wash my car in the driveway until I get this fixed. I couldn`t take my car being covered in the white crap it is covered with any longer and I knew the wand at a coin op would be useless. I refuse to use the brush at one of those places, so my only choice was to fill buckets and do it at home. So I filled my massive Wolfgang wash bucket with grit guard and went to work. I hated how dirty the water was getting, but I figure I`ll just deal with the damage in the spring. I used one bucket to wash and then refilled it three times to rinse the car. I probably looked kinda weird to my neighbors, but I`m used to that. :lol: The bottom line is that the car is clean and I saved probably 7 bucks in quarters.

01-21-2006, 07:10 PM
That brought back some old memories that I`m really glad are just memories.
My first car, I washed with water I pumped into a bucket from a well. Same procedure for the rinse water. My wash area was the grass under a tree since the driveway was gravel. When you don`t know any better, it didn`t seem all that bad.
Actually, it was a lot less complicated.
No worry about what type of bucket to use. There was only one.
No concern about a kink in the hose. No hose to reel up. No concern about a hose nozzle, and the pump always worked.
Wash mitt choice was easy. The local hardware store only carried one. I do think it was chenille and probably cotton since the synthetic fabrics were not yet available.
Same way with car wash soap. Dupont #7 powder was all I ever found.
Drying was done with whatever towels I could snitch from the house. A Chamois was way out of my reach financially. Must have been at least $3. When you worked a 60 hour week for $42.50, $3 was a lot of money.

Good old days my fanny! :)


01-21-2006, 08:26 PM
Dog gone it, Charles. I can`t top that but I can come close. :D

Tom :cool: