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View Full Version : ONR + Clay process

06-28-2010, 01:11 PM
Please comment on what you think of this ONR process.

1- Quick ONR wash + 1 pass dry (leaving some water on car).

2- Clay whole car with ONR lube (do not wipe lube off yet).

3- ONR wash + good drying (2 pass dry).

06-28-2010, 01:24 PM
Looks ok to my non-pro eyes. Are you doing one panel at a time?

06-28-2010, 01:48 PM
Looks like a bit on the safe side. I only clay when I`m going to follow up with a polish so...

1 ONR panel 1st pass

2 ONR panel 2nd pass

3 Clay panel (misting with ONR as required)

4 Dry

a.k.a. Patrick
06-28-2010, 02:18 PM
Obviously, this is my own opinion.

I do not recommend using clay while using NRWS. My rationale, NRWS is a rinse-less product, designed to encapsulate dirt. If the dirt and debris is not safely removed from the surface first, you risk marring when claying while dirt is still present. If you insist on using clay as part of a NRWS process, dry the surface completely first, then mist with NRWS. (Or just use traditional wash methods when you want to clay).

06-28-2010, 02:44 PM
I`ve gotten so spoiled by ONR that I hate to do a regular wash anymore. Help me out if I`m wrong with my thinking - if you ONR correctly then the surface should be clean when you dry. If you make sure that you apply to ONR on the sponge/mf/etc until the surface is clean, then making sure it is dry wouldn`t make a difference. Whatever the method, I agree that it should be completely free of any dirt before claying.

06-28-2010, 03:30 PM
Obviously, this is my own opinion.

I do not recommend using clay while using NRWS. My rationale, NRWS is a rinse-less product, designed to encapsulate dirt. If the dirt and debris is not safely removed from the surface first, you risk marring when claying while dirt is still present. If you insist on using clay as part of a NRWS process, dry the surface completely first, then mist with NRWS. (Or just use traditional wash methods when you want to clay).

I wouldn`t recommend my procedure to the average Joe, however if you confident in your ONR technique and the car isn`t filthy, its a non issue. I use white MF covered sponges for ONR and my second pass media stays nice and white. When drying I also use white waffle weaves and they stay white.