View Full Version : Just used the Klasse AIO mix spray on windows... Very nice.

06-23-2010, 02:20 AM
I usually SG my windows but haven`t done so yet this year so I decided to try the AIO diluted about 6 to 1 with water and sprayed on the glass, and it left them nice and slick/shiny with minimal effort. And this was without cleaning them first, so this was used as a cleaner and wax. They weren`t that dirty but I had just driven through a pouring rain a few hours earlier so they weren`t clean either.

Spraying it directly on the glass I wiped it all around with a micro towel, and flipped the towel and buffed. It did leave streaks but they were the kind that melt away as it dries in a few seconds.

If it`ll work on dirtier windows too I may start using it in place of glass cleaner. At least part of the time. And then I won`t have to SG the glass anymore. :)

06-23-2010, 06:05 AM
Cool. Can you post pics please?