View Full Version : AG HD over BFWD

06-22-2010, 11:23 AM
I`ve got some BFWD on my ride right now. It looks unreal but I find it to be bad for water spots. What would be a good wax to put over this to:

a) extend the life of the Sealant

b) Keep the water spots away

c) look damn good

I was thinking of trying AGHD or CG 5050

Thanks for your help


06-22-2010, 12:46 PM
I`ve got some BFWD on my ride right now. It looks unreal but I find it to be bad for water spots. What would be a good wax to put over this to:

a) extend the life of the Sealant

b) Keep the water spots away

c) look damn good

I was thinking of trying AGHD or CG 5050

Thanks for your help


a) extend the life of the Sealant

If you want to extend the life of the sealant, I would probably just add another coat of BFWD. Keep in mind, once you top a sealant with a wax, you can no longer apply another coat of sealant (without removing the wax and therefore the sealant under it) because a sealant cannot cure to a wax.

b) Keep the water spots away

Not sure a wax would help much in that regard. The best way to keep waterspots away is if it rains, wash the car and when you wash it thoroughly dry it afterwards.

c) look damn good

A wax can only help to a small degree. As mentioned in other threads, the amazing depth and wetness you see on some of the freshly detailed cars on this site is 95% due to that detailer`s skill in paint correction, not the sealant or wax they used.

Take two identical cars that are equally neglected. You put the best sealant wax combo one. The other, Scottwax, David Fermani, or one of the other top detailers correct by polishing in multiple steps and apply nothing to to the surface. The car with no sealant or wax on it would blow the other car away looks wise. Probably not want you wanted to read but is ultimately the truth.

06-22-2010, 01:26 PM
I question the possibilty that a sealant can not bond to a wax. The wax will help the etching of water spots into the clearcoat. I agree with Bert. You need to prep the surface correctly before applying anything if you want to acheive the ultimate finish.

06-22-2010, 01:50 PM
I question the possibilty that a sealant can not bond to a wax.

I am just going by what people on this board have written on these threads who are far more knowledable and experienced than I am. Numerous times they have said a sealant cannot properly cure to a wax due to the oils in the wax. Similar to how a sealant cannot cure to oily glaze. The exception to this appears to be sealant such as Poli-Seal, UPGP and Z Clear Seal. Not sure why these are exceptions.

The wax will help the etching of water spots into the clearcoat.

The wax may help with the etching affect of water spots but it will not "keep water spots away" like the original poster asked. The only thing that would help prevent waterspots would be a product that doesn`t bead, rather it sheets water off.

06-22-2010, 02:38 PM
I`ve topped BFWD with Autoglym HD and I`ve just done the second coat of BFWD after a week. It`s a really tough call which is "better" BFWD is definely more slick, and the second coat is way easy to apply/wipe off. But, on my black GTI, the AGHD gives an amazing look.

06-22-2010, 09:05 PM
I thought AGHD was supposed to sheet water instead of beading, making it an obvious choice to keep water marks away. I`m not looking for a wax to improve on the the BFWD. I just don`t want the wax to take away from the the clarity of the WD. I can also appreciate that it`s not the lsp that brings a car to life.

So is it true that AGHD sheets water?

06-24-2010, 11:09 PM
I found the AutoGlym HD beads insanely. Tiny small beads that sometimes pool together and slide off, so it can be called sheeting I guess. The beads really fly off the car. Did I say that AG HD beads/sheets awesomely?

Here is my short review:


06-25-2010, 07:09 AM
Top BFWD with AG I think you will enjoy it

06-25-2010, 08:16 AM
I have done the same on my silver gray BMW and I love it. I am not sure it if is that much better than BFWD by itself. My wife`s car is a blue-grey metallic tone and it has two coats of BFWD and the shine is incredible. I decided to use Autoglym HD just to be different. The other week I topped it all off with OCW (which I just wanted to try). I have to say the car looks great.

As an add-on question, I wonder how long this combo would last? I am only on like 3 weeks and the beading is still there of course :).

06-25-2010, 09:01 PM
I think I`ll try it out. I want to see how long it lasts too. Can I expect it to last 3 months?

My next kind of unrelated question. If one coat of wax "A" lasts 3 months, Will two coats of wax "A" last 6 months?

06-25-2010, 10:51 PM
I`ve topped BFWD with Autoglym HD and I`ve just done the second coat of BFWD after a week. It`s a really tough call which is "better" BFWD is definely more slick, and the second coat is way easy to apply/wipe off. But, on my black GTI, the AGHD gives an amazing look.

June Bug so you topped BFWD with HD and then HD with BFWD? Did you have any problems with BFWD adhering.

Freddotron regarding durability, I don`t think having two layers of sealant which lasts 3 months per layer would give you a combined 6 months. I am guessing it would be more like 3 months.

06-27-2010, 11:16 PM
so then layering a wax or sealant has no durability benefit?

06-28-2010, 05:10 AM
Yes it does. I`d put another coat of BFWD on. You can always top with Opti-seal ......

06-28-2010, 10:09 PM
good deal. I still think I`ll try out the AGHD sometime. Like I say the BFWD spots really bad on my car.

06-30-2010, 09:37 PM
Where did all the posts go? :think: