View Full Version : My first attempt and a few questions

06-21-2010, 10:54 PM
Ok, so this afternoon I did a test spot on my roof of my truck (more on that later) so I only used 3 pads, Cyan, Tang, and "red". Cleaning just those 3 was a pain IMO. I doused them with APC and then threw them in soapy water while I was using the other pads. I tried to get as much crud out of them as I could in the soapy water but it didn`t seem like it was working. So I mixed up some Green Stuff APC in a bucket and soaked them in there ringing them out and redunking them. This got them much cleaner however I must have had the ratio to strong as it took FOREVER to get all the APC soap out. So with that said the Grit Gaurd Pad Washer will be on my list for my next purchase.

Now on to my test spot, it was very overcast so I don`t have any good pictures to show but I was having an issue with dry buffing. Seems I was only able to get 2.5-3 passes before it was dusty. This was on Megs cutting compound and the Cyan pad. I tried making my area smaller but that didn`t help either. I even sprayed the paint with a little QD and that seemed to help a small amount but not much. Now the humidity was HORRIBLE, like 80+%. Could that have had an effect on it. I am only able to work on my truck outside so a garage is not an option before someone suggests that.

Also, I don`t know what`s up with my roof, but I clayed it 3 or 4 times and I could still feel bumps using the plastic bag method. I tried Megs clay and some clay that I bought years ago, both didn`t get EVERY bump out. Is this normal? I don`t remember feeling anything on the hood, but I can`t tell you the last time the roof was clayed as noone ever see`s or feels the roof of my truck.

Now after all was done M105/205/#21 sealant I could DEFINATELY feel the difference. It was a like a baby`s behind. SO smooth and soft feeling. My only concern is the drying of the compound, so I`ll have to work on something to get that corrected. I didn`t see any marring or halo`s so I must have decently hard clear coat, which just makes this massive job easier. I won`t have a chance to get back to it till Wednesday, that is when I do the entire truck front to back. I`m giving myself 10hours to complete this so wish me luck! I figure a 6:30 am start will get me done by 4:30 which is about the time my wife and I leave for our vacation! There won`t be anytime to apply Natty`s wax, but I can tackle that Sunday when we come back!

Thank you to everyone who has helped me and others in their journey into this new world. I admit, you guys make it look easy. I just have to remember to put the cord over my shoulder.

06-22-2010, 09:10 AM
There`s a thread going in the detailing or machine polishing forum about the 105/drying issue. The pros at Megs suggested a spritz of Megs M34 Final Inspection will help.


Also, I used the Dawn Ultra Concentrated under a slow stream of water in the sink and it worked great. Just add about a pea sized drop in the center and work it to a lather with water. Then rinse till is squeezes clean water. Press excess water out, press between two towels and set on edge to dry.

I think there`s also a thread about that in the Machine polishing forum.


06-22-2010, 09:42 AM
jayhkr- A few sorta-random thoughts follow:

-After a good deal of claying I`d just not worry about the remaining contamination. Yeah, I bet I deserve to be flamed by some of the true perfectionists here for saying that, but unless you want to use an aggressive clay (that`ll mar up the paint something fierce) or a decontamination system (which you don`t have on hand), well...what`re you gonna do? And hey, the roofs of trucks have often suffered a bit of neglect so they can be a chore to get really nice (voice of experience!).

-How big an area were you working when you "went smaller"? And with what size pads?

-I wouldn`t worry quite as much about getting the pads so clean. I somehow suspect you`re overkilling it, which is leading to the too-much-soap/rinsing hassles.

-I wouldn`t be giving *ANY* thought to topping the M21 at this point. See how it cleans up after your vacation.

06-22-2010, 11:11 AM
I`d say about a 15x15" area when I went from a 20x20" area. I`m using 5.5" LCHT pads, I know I should be using the 4" but that`s what I started with. The 4" ones are on my list to get. I`ll try to get some pictures as I`m detailing tomorrow morning (weather permitting) and if i don`t post them before I leave I`ll post them when I get back. Thanks for the feedback everyone.

06-22-2010, 11:28 PM
Those links were very helpful. I`m glad it wasn`t so much my technique as it was that this is the way the product acts. Like I said, tomorrow is the full vehicle detail, as long as I don`t have a heat stroke. Thanks for the help everyone!

06-23-2010, 08:43 AM
I`d say about a 15x15" area when I went from a 20x20" area. I`m using 5.5" LCHT pads...

I`d probably work smaller areas than that, even with the 5.5" pads.

Stay hydrated!