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06-18-2010, 10:27 AM
Wife gets rear ended at a stop light in her 2010 Jetta TDI Wagon, haven`t even made a payment on it.

Same day, her old Mazda Protege5 I`m driving leaves both an oil stain and coolant puddle in the garage. I guess I need to get both addressed. To top it off when I sold my GTI so my wife could have a nicer car (her commute is 70 mi/round trip) the first day I drove the Protege5 it tossed up a CEL. It`s got some sort of vacuum issue now.

Can`t afford a two car payments, that`s why the Mazda is still in the garage. Also seemingly can`t afford to fix the Mazda.

This is definitely a FML week for me.


*Edit: Something about Texas makes it very hard to get "Diminished Value" compensation on your vehicle when it`s wrecked. The car is so damn new I haven`t even paid on it and now when I do get it fixed it`ll be on a Carfax report forever.... ultimately diminishing any resale value the vehicle has down the road. :think:

TL;DR Mode: I sold my 2008 GTI, first day I drive wifes old P5 it throws a CEL. Wife gets rear ended before first payment is made on new car and Protege5 is falling apart.

Setec Astronomy
06-18-2010, 10:47 AM
Sorry, Fluxy.

06-18-2010, 12:21 PM
Mindflux- Yikes, sorry to hear about the TDI, but I`m sure glad your wife`s OK!

When the VW gets fixed, that might be a good time to debadge the hatch ;) Just looking on the bright side; that`s when I did it to the MPV and years later I like the debadging more than I mind that it was repaired. I`d forget about the diminished value and just plan to drive the wheels off it, which oughta take a few 100K.

Oh, make sure they rustproof the inside of the rear bumper (the actual steel box-beam that`s inside the bumpercover). They didn`t do that on my MPV and now I have to replace it..no, it`s not covered by the usual rust perforation warranty as bumpers are a "bolt-on". I`d do the inside of the hatch too, but that`s just me.

06-18-2010, 12:24 PM
Wife just called to say there`s a dent on the car from some moron opening their door into the TDI. She`s crying because it`s `too much pressure` driving a new car that I`d like to stay in decent shape while I`m forking out 450 bucks a month for it.

06-18-2010, 12:41 PM
Mindflux- Well, maybe you can get her to destress..hey, it`s not exactly showroom new any more (unfortunately). Actually, I can sorta relate as Accumulatorette has said how she doesn`t mind her A8 being imperfect; I bought it from an out-of-state dealer and it arrived with damage that needed fixed :rolleyes: :angry I wanted to send it back but she said "No!" because she wouldn`t have to worry about those first inevitable flaws. Ten+ years and 100K later it still looks OK and she`s loved the whole ownership experience so much that she refuses to consider a new car.

I`d bite the bullet and tell her to *never* worry about stuff that`s beyond her control; the whole "life`s not a car show and it`s your happiness that really matters to me" thing.

06-18-2010, 12:45 PM
Mindflux- Well, maybe you can get her to destress..hey, it`s not exactly showroom new any more (unfortunately). Actually, I can sorta relate as Accumulatorette has said how she doesn`t mind her A8 being imperfect; I bought it from an out-of-state dealer and it arrived with damage that needed fixed :rolleyes: :angry I wanted to send it back but she said "No!" because she wouldn`t have to worry about those first inevitable flaws. Ten+ years and 100K later it still looks OK and she`s loved the whole ownership experience so much that she refuses to consider a new car.

I`d bite the bullet and tell her to *never* worry about stuff that`s beyond her control; the whole "life`s not a car show and it`s your happiness that really matters to me" thing.

Well I`m certainly not pissed off at her because other people ram into her etc. I might be inclined to be upset if she curbed a wheel or something, even if accidentally. I just believe in trying my best to keep things nice while I gotta pay for them (and I do mean I, since she can`t afford a car payment). I certainly don`t want the car to look like it`s been beat to heck and back by the time I`m done paying for it.

I will say I`m frustrated that all this has happened and I haven`t even made Payment #1. There`s still 60 to go! If this had happened after a year or whatever I`d probably not be so frustrated with the whole thing.

At any rate, she wants her Mazda back and she`s gonna have to take out a loan from her folks to fix it (which I think is a terrible idea), but I don`t necessarily want to drive the Jetta.. I gave my GTI up for her to have a nice car and now I`m gonna get end up with it? I`d rather have my GTI back, thank you.

06-18-2010, 12:57 PM
On a hopeful note, I`m going to be working on a mid-nineties Supra this weekend. (The fat body style)

Just a wash, clay, 1 step polish (Z-PC most likely) and seal with Z-AIO or Z2P (though I think my ZFX is gone). Client likes Zaino, so I must abide.

06-18-2010, 03:26 PM
Ouch, that sucks. Reminds me of when my son got new insurance coverage on his car and 2 miles from the insurance company someone rear-ended him and totaled his car.

06-18-2010, 03:38 PM
Turns out the `new` dent on the car is from my wife`s old push mower she refuses to let go of. The garage door slammed shut which made the wall tremble enough that her push mower fell over onto the passenger side fender.

She claims a PDR guy said it`ll take $60 to take out, but it`s on a fender so the chances of that coming out 100% are slim to none. I haven`t seen the damage yet (nor do I want to). God I so hate my life right now.

06-21-2010, 02:31 AM
I really hope everything gets better. If it helps to share pain, I backed my garage queen into a ladder yesterday :o

06-21-2010, 10:21 AM
A/C went out on the house last night.:wall:wall:wall

06-21-2010, 10:24 AM
Mindflux- Oh sheesh, sounds like you can`t win for losing! Hope this week turns out better anyhow...

06-21-2010, 03:04 PM
I wouldn`t worry too much about the carfax deal. I had 4 grand in damage done to a car in a crash, dealer body shop repaired it and it never made it on a carfax report. Also my bro in law just bought an 07 accord that had a clean report but the whole car has been repainted for some unknown reason.

06-26-2010, 06:12 PM
Managed to `accidentally` recycle my brand new flex edge adapter from AutoGeek. Was in a box I put out for recycling and didn`t realize it until today (IE long gone).

$50 bucks down the drain there....


06-26-2010, 06:52 PM
This in the second week now....