View Full Version : First time detail

06-14-2010, 01:15 PM
I am getting ready to detail my new vehicle for the first time and want to make sure I am going about this the right way. I am planning on washing it with ONR and then applying Klasse High Gloss Sealant. I will then wax with Natty`s Blue.

Will a wash with ONR be sufficient before continuing on with the sealant and wax? It is a new vehicle, so I am assuming I don`t really need to clay or polish the paint at all. I plan on doing this by hand, though once my arm stops hurting a month later, I may research and buy a machine :)

Any other tips or advice for a first time detail of a vehicle by a newbie? Thanks for your help!

06-14-2010, 01:17 PM
Clay it and give it a good washing. If the dealer car wash boys get a hold of it before you then it may need polished.

06-14-2010, 07:43 PM
Would a good wash with ONR be sufficient? Or should I do a regular wash before claying and applying the sealant?