View Full Version : Cleaning mesh type fabric on seat?

06-06-2010, 07:27 PM
I`m trying to get a good idea on how to clean the seats in my Civic Si

They look like this (although mine are in a bit better shape)


I`ve got cleaning the ultrasuede/alcantara down no problem. The issue is the middle/back part of where you sit. The material is a padded mesh that is almost impossible to extract. My seats aren`t filthy or anything but I`d like to give them a once over anyways just for regular maintenance.

Any suggestions? Possibly spraying Folex on the seat and blotting? I really want to avoid any stain ringing if possible.

06-06-2010, 07:57 PM
Brush to loosen anything and vacuum well.

A mild cleaner sprayed lightly, brushed or agitated, blotted and then shop vac`d. You could then mist some water on lightly to solubilize any left over cleaner agitate, blot, shop van again. I wouldnt soak it but you should be fine if you take your time with it.

06-06-2010, 08:23 PM
Woolite, 10:1. Spray on an MH and rub gently