View Full Version : D151 sub in for M205?

05-30-2010, 09:36 PM
For most of my higher end paint correction packages I will start with M105, follow with a finishing polish, and finish with a pure sealant LSP.

Most people would of course recommend using 205 after 105, why break up the twins right?

Let me digress a little: I use D151 for my cheaper packages, I either do 151 on its own with a orange LC pad for my cheapest, or do 151 on an orange LC and follow up with #21 sealant on a black for my middle of the road package.

Back to the topic at hand: is there any reason I shouldn`t ditch my 205 or similar polish and use D151 between my 105 and LSP? D151 has more cut than 205, but finishes LSP ready, it`s way cheaper, smells nice, and using D151 + your LSP will give you two layers of protection over just one. I`ve never heard of anyone having problems topping 151 with #21 sealant.

It would be very convenient to be able to cut a product out of my regular orders and use PRC instead.



05-30-2010, 10:17 PM
I tried this combo recently on my personal vehicle and on a customers vehicle. Mine is a VW Golf and the customers was a 2004 Mach1.

The Golf turned out great. (Blue)

The Mach1 will be coming back to me for a final polish because the 151 didnt finish as well as the customer would have liked. (Black)

I think every car is different and will need different combo`s to get it done right as I have learned experimenting with Megs 151.

Alternatively I believe that you should wash the wax off before using a sealant as a LSP as there may be a problem with it bonding to the paint.

05-30-2010, 11:34 PM
What kind of pad and machine did you apply with?

05-30-2010, 11:55 PM
What kind of pad and machine did you apply with?

PC and LC orange 5.5"

05-31-2010, 12:16 AM
You can`t really expect to use D151/orange on a black car and not see any marring. That`s just asking for too much. With a white pad maybe, but definitely not with an orange.

05-31-2010, 01:24 AM
You can`t really expect to use D151/orange on a black car and not see any marring. That`s just asking for too much. With a white pad maybe, but definitely not with an orange.

Interesting, I guess ill have to do some more experimentation once I get my next order of product in