View Full Version : Product recommendations please

05-27-2010, 03:43 PM
I`m looking to place an order this weekend and would like to know what products you guys recommend for interior cleaning/dressing? You guys recommend getting a brush for cleaning leather? I`ve tried the steamer on leather but would like to have another option that may be a little safer. I know john kleven I think is his name once recommended a 1z cockpit cleaner on interiors, I saw two different ones on AG (classic and regular I think) and don`t know which one he was talking about. Anyone using meguiars dressing for interiors? Can you guys be specific for me so I can know what to look for exactly when I do my order. Also direct me to a good sale please! I`m finally going to order collinite 845, been looking to try this stuff for a while now so I`m good on wax. Maybe a tire dressing? I`m using optimum right now but am open to try something else. Any products you guys can`t do without? Thanks in advance guys.

05-27-2010, 04:21 PM
1z-einszett Cockpit Premium for interiors

1z-Vinyl-Plastic-Rubber (or something close) for tires

1z also makes a leather care product, which I hear is good but haven`t used.

05-27-2010, 04:26 PM
If you want a matte, no-gloss look, 1Z Cockpit Premium (http://www.detailersdomain.com/1zeinszett-cockpitpremium.aspx) is excellent. This is what I use all the time. A good second choice, locally available, is Meguiar`s Interior Quik Detailer.

If you want just a touch more gloss, then try Megs` M40 Vinyl and Rubber Conditioner (http://www.autodetailingsolutions.net/m4016.html). It both cleans and conditions. I have a gallon of the stuff. I also use it on my rubber seals. I know that some folks like to use it on their tires, though being water-based it probably doesn`t last long on them. I have also read good reviews about Megs` new Ultimate Protection.

And of course there is 303 Protectant! If you are looking for UV protection, this is probably the product to get.

05-27-2010, 04:47 PM
Thanks for your suggestions so far guys, im going to look into 1z-Vinyl-Plastic-Rubber and premium, i`ll probably pick up that meguiars quick detailer locally since i`m nearly out of interior dressing, bottle said it has uv protection. What do you guys recommend for real dirty interiors? this stuff still work well?

05-30-2010, 09:33 AM
Meguiars quik interior detailer is like 4 dollars at my wally world. It leaves a finish just like Optimum protector plus, and is easier to get. Great stuff

05-30-2010, 10:20 AM
Thanks for your suggestions so far guys, im going to look into 1z-Vinyl-Plastic-Rubber and premium, i`ll probably pick up that meguiars quick detailer locally since i`m nearly out of interior dressing, bottle said it has uv protection. What do you guys recommend for real dirty interiors? this stuff still work well?

Cockpit Premium or if its really nasty, an APC first.