View Full Version : A couple of product questions

05-25-2010, 06:54 PM
I have a question about 4 products here. 3 are from good old Wally World.

The 3 products from Walmart that I am curious to see if anyone has some feedback are:

Microtex(?) Microfiber Dip & Wash telescoping wand

Microtex(?) Flow Thru Brush

Sonic Scrubber (Do people still like it?

The last product is the new ONR. I use ONR as a quick detailer/bird poo cleaner, interior plastic cleaner, general around the house cleaner, and clay lube. Is the new ONR as easy to use as the older stuff without worrying about residue or anything? I never really use it as its intended purpose of cleaning my car except in winter, so maybe you guys might have a better "do-it-all" product suggestion? Thanks!!!

06-21-2010, 11:01 AM
I have been a loyal Microtex customer for a long time. Their pads and wax are the best "value" products for care car available. One way to tell if a wax, pads, or wands are good is to use them, then check your car at night under light from an LED flashlight (http://www.flashlightz.com) to see if you have small scratches or swirls on your paint. A few little marks are normal, but if you have a good deal of them, or if they are deep, do not use the product anymore. Microtex has been good for me. I own a 2006 Mustang GT, Windvail Blue paint. Best of luck.