View Full Version : CG green clean

05-14-2010, 05:04 PM
Has anyone here used CG green clean apc? I ask because I can pick some up locally where I live. I plan to dilute 10:1 so I can hit exterior surfaces with it (door jambs, under hood/trunk. Only other product I know of safe for ext. paint is megs apc which i`ll gladly order online if cg`s green clean is no good for paint.


05-14-2010, 06:26 PM
from reading what it says online and how its eco friendly according to their website with no harsh chemicals sounds like it would be safe but wait and see what others say.

straight from the cg site:

" greenCLEAN is water based and eco-friendlier because it does not utilize and caustic ingredients. "

i have used megs apc on cars many times but i have heard from numerous people that it is not paint safe but i personally have never had issues. I just make sure it`s diluted properly.

M Gray
05-14-2010, 08:14 PM
I use it alot. It is my go to chemical for alot of things including doorjams if they are bad. I have even used it on carpet in one situation. I would recommend picking it up. At such a high dillution rate it lasts a long time and I think the price is well worth what you are getting.

05-14-2010, 10:45 PM
Thanks fellas, just ordered me a gallon. After some more research it seems to me it`s perfect for me. No harsh chemicals and water based!

05-15-2010, 06:37 PM
Excellent Product, Dilutes well and it does not have the harsh APC smell like some others. Very recommended. I even use it for carpets. :bigups